
Seriously. Also without spoiling, I think it underlined, highlighted, and generally further emphasized HOW FRIGGING AMAZING the events immediately preceding it were.

I see what you mean. I’ll admit I was letting my love for comic books and my desperation for a good adaptation of X-Men/Fantastic Four blind me to the potential dangers of this deal. And I admit, owning all of 20th Century Fox’s entertainment branch along with all the other powerhouse franchises Disney already owns is

...how the hell did you know that I’m watching that literally right now??

There was a run on Coinbase when cex went down. Check out the charts at https://data.bitcoinity.org/markets/price/6h/USD. Coinbase was alone in that area, tho it certainly did trade at 19k. The arbitrage between Coinbase and everyone else seems bizarre — at the moment which Coinbase was at 19k, it was over 3k more

People tend to forget that this is how the original Jurassic Park did the dinosaurs — mostly through live animatronics, with CGI only used in full-length or action shots. After all, the film was planned out with the expectation that they’d use stop-motion models for the long shots, and since that technique never

I swear, I effing ~cheer~ every time Old Lace is on screen. I don’t know why, it just happens.

Think that feels good? Try hitting a Phara with a sleep dart!

Luckily for me the Echo officially launched in Canada today and I received mine yesterday. I just told Alexa to set me a reminder to revisit this thread in 5 years haha.

Y’know... you’re joking but that’s not a totally unrealistic scenario under a net that is no longer neutral.

Let’s talk in five years, Beaver Jr.



Thank you for keeping this story in the light. This predator and drug pusher needs to be locked up yesterday.

Bryan Singer guilty as fuck. Back when the Superman Returns came out that Alex Burton was trying to tell on him. Probably got a chunk of change blackmailing his ass. He will go down me thinks. Maybe some other people involved in that DEN company too. That was some shady shit Hollywood pulled back in the day.

Note the clicks and impressions. Whether people on the left were targeted or not, a lot more people on the right bought the bullshit.

The company is also confident it may actually turn a profit for the first time ever in the fourth quarter.

Exactly. My costume is, “fuck you, look at me, I don’t need a goddamn costume.”

If I was built like that, that’s how I’d be dressed every day to be honest.

Just goes to show that maybe it is the clothes...