
Flipping Sauron is seriously pissed.

Not pictured. Two little hobbits climbing down the mountain

Is there a question?

Daredevil is my favorite superhero tv show to date hands down. No other show remotely compares. I hope the Netflix MCU shows continue this level if quality.

Way ahead of you.

This one isn't my fight, but I was watching two of my buddies playing Final Fantasy XI in college, and they were in a party doing a boss fight. Might have been the Archduke of Jeuno. Maybe his brother. I could be mistaken, like I said, it wasn't my fight. Anyway, one of my friends was explaining how "they should

I played a couple of hours of Epsiode Duscae last night, and I have to say I wasn't as thrilled as I expected myself to be. The graphics are only OK, not great. For as bad of a game as The Order: 1886 was, it looked far superior to FFXV.

I was really impressed. I get the feeling Japanese developers are finally willing to take influence from Western innovations in gaming. Quality of life improvements like checkpoints may seem small, but make a huge difference. I like that they're willing to make bold changes to what has become a tired formula. The only

Just another reason why it pays to be the runner in front.

"Ellen Grace"

If nothing works, at least shaming them makes me feel better, so there's that.

Why the hell do you keep giving these mouth breathing script kiddies attention?

Well we know she did ultimately reform for good because by the time of Batman Beyond she was bailing out her grand kids the Dee Dee twins and scolding them for being rotten little brats.

That I could probably see though. Never feel like I can sit back and relax and watch an episode. Always feels like an investment.

Oh, man. The Enterprise title sequence is the BEST. Taking us through the history of manned exploration from sea voyages through warp travel? Beautiful and inspiring. The song they picked to accompany the montage? Dreadfully awful, especially after it was remixed in season 3. Try watching that sequence again with a

I'm glad Mark Hamill's Joker is #1, or there could have been trouble.

She said BAD movie.

I thought it was enjoyable enough, in a sort of campy December everything else is on hiatus sort of way, right up until that ending. That is a fucking bait and switch. I was sold a show about a generation ship halfway to another star system, and instead I'm getting... what, a weird government conspiracy/social

Watchmen: "I did it 35 minutes ago."