Don’t disagree - I would rather go NA for lifespan anyways.
Don’t disagree - I would rather go NA for lifespan anyways.
Car Industry People on Jalopnik.
Nothing will ever excuse the truck drivers behavior. Period.
People who defend texting while driving or stopped are like people who are anti-gun.
COTD - Done.
I was talking about the same thing with a friend the other day.
Not sure if you’re joking or not, but everyone is still on an even playing field if it ships with the game.
Fair enough. It’s always the drunk driving waste of oxygen asshole that lives while families are torn apart and killed.
Coming from 10 years of law enforcement working DUI’s, this is pretty much a statistical fact. Why is he a douche for telling the truth?
I know that console hackers exist - but this is one of the primary reasons I play FPS games on Consoles.
Dude - you must know human psychology better than that. It’s a hollow victory, and it damages them slightly unless they are a true sociopath.
Just let a computer call the balls and strikes...wait for it....
I am clearly not the target market, despite being a tremendous AMG fan.
That correlation / causation relationship is **really** hard for a lot of people.
So you make fun of him while writing off new findings that could absolutely contribute dissent to a theory you bought hook line and sinker 24 hours ago.
Can we please have an honest-to-God Xmen cartoon sentinel>!>!>!?!?!?
WTF is cable doing with his hands. And Shatterstars crotch-al region somehow.
I’m sure you’re being sarcastic, but I’m in agreement with your jest.