
The biggest in production now caps at like 5.5lbs thrust though.

It looks like a cool game, and this is not really a slam, I’m honestly curious why devs make this choice.

TLDR: “...so fuck that.”

Dude... I nearly cried myself to tears watching the gif over and over of the motorcycle rider just dodging bike frames and being otherwise un-harmed as the seas of riders parted to either side and bounced around like dice in a “Trouble” game bubble.

I drove an unmarked one for a police car for a while.

I had to have some sort of ranking system, it was hard to decide. I had lots of favorites.

I too am stuck on Crystal Sage on a caster.

I know I’m sub-human because I play on Consoles, but I am beside myself waiting for early beta access on PS4.

Basically, yes.

Yeah, that’s pretty much it.

Can I provide a different perspective?

“Truck 207 to Dispatch.”

At this point, anyone who makes money off college football as an employee of the school that doesn’t want to pay the players is just worried it will cut into their own salary.

Everyone get out your foamies!

I truly don’t understand the theory.

Tom - somehow you have missed something.

Same response every time - I responded to hundreds of burglaries / break-ins / assaults / etc in my time in Cop Land.

The funniest part, honestly, is that the majority of gamers will play this (like every other title) for about 60-100 hours before the next best thing is out, and people on the internet are, not surprisingly, I guess, losing their collective shit as though they were given an unwanted gender reassignment surgery that is

Is Second Life really still a thing or is it just all satire like this at this point?

Fairly certain my Ninja 250 would outrun a Fusion. What gives?