Well, I’ll be the asshole I guess, that’s fine.
Well, I’ll be the asshole I guess, that’s fine.
I really wonder if BMW is going to answer the shot across the bow from Alfa. The Giulia beat the M4 by 14 seconds on the Nurburging. Surely the Bavarians can cook up a response in the M Skunkworks division.
Someone in the ear piece told him the Giulia beat the M4 on the Nurburgring by 14 SECONDS.
I really don’t care for the back bumper “cutout” styling in the corners that they have become so fond of. It really takes away from otherwise clean lines.
In that first picture, why is Will Ferrell yelling at the referees?
It’s only half anecdotal - they will absolutely run until the bolts rust out. But that has no bearing on the fact that it’s a small fortune to get them there in the process. Especially the ways cops drive in shift work. (FULL GAS FULL BRAKE SLAM SHIFT HANDLE AT 10 MPH CLICKCLICKCLICKCLICK INTO PARK)
Dude you have no idea what you are talking about. I managed a fleet for a PD for 5 of my 10 years as command staff. Only MAJOR agencies with big time budgets turn the cars loose at the 100,000 mile mark, and trust me when I tell you - the maintenance nightmare they represent post 100k is worth the swap. And yes - most…
The Renegade Trailhawk has a 2-Speed power take off unit. I know it’s not the same thing, but yeah.
I got my wife a ‘15 Patriot with the 2.4, UConnect and 3 years light maintenance for 15k. Grocery getter, round Jeep headlights which she loves and the motor isn’t even close to gutless with the normal automatic (non-CVT), it fits the bill perfectly.
I bought a Yellow Trailhawk. Love it so far. The potential transmission issues are a little worrying, but overall it’s a fantastic vehicle. Looking forward to taking it off the beaten path. There are quite a few YouTube videos of it doing some pretty incredible work for it’s class.
True Story - Source: I own a ‘15 Renegade Trailhawk. It only uses second gear (as first gear, in normal driving) unless you put it in 4WD Lock. If you put it in 4WD “Rock” (as opposed to Snow, Mud, Sand, etc) it locks into 1st and drops the SelecTerrain setting if you get going too fast.
This is one of the reasons I don’t watch Baseball. Let the computer call the strikes/balls. Either there is a rule, or there is not a rule. The rule clearly defines the strike zone. “Working” the umpire into calling balls as strikes is ignorant, and I don’t care about your tradition. A little more bat action from…
And the Cheatriots go free, as usual. Sooner or later the rest of the NFL owners are going to get sick of Goodell/Kraft and then buckle in.
Look, I'm a Falcons fan, I admit it. And part of me is *really* pissed off that they were so freaking stupid.
I realize this is completely anecdotal unless you know me, but whatever, it bears saying. I have two close blood relatives that fly for major USA based Airlines. The electronic device bit, according to two decorated long time fliers are a joke and are treated as a laughing matter from time to time by airplane staff.
I thought I had seen it all in Law Enforcement in my tenure. Clearly, I was gravely mistaken.
Nintendo's quirky first party games and overall fun factor saved them for the last few console generations. It's not working anymore. The average kids who would have played a Wii (age-wise) 10 years ago are playing GTA, CoD and the like by the time they are eight thanks to poor parenting.
What exactly is it?
What in the mickey mouse hell is on his head. I'm supposed to take this dude seriously?
I'm willing to bet the Global pre-order numbers for PS4 and XBOne have already surpassed that number, or come close.