Intentionally driving in such a way that it showed a callous disregard for the safety of others or the consequences of his actions. Hope he rots.
Intentionally driving in such a way that it showed a callous disregard for the safety of others or the consequences of his actions. Hope he rots.
A reasonable individual could have predicted a street race to end in death or property destruction. Clearly he was ok with the consequences. In the end he is directly responsible for the deaths of 3’s mostly to show others they’re not soft on accidental death due to disregard.
Why does it seem that EVERYONE hates trump (me included), but he’s so AHEAD of everyone? He’s DISGUSTING. How can anyone vote for him?
I think you are lying to try to make your point. How do you survive out in the big, bad, scary world, with these meds that might fail?
You're right. Calling Hamas desert creatures is too polite.
We would get little bikes (75-100cc) and race them in a parking lot around cones. Called it the Sippy Cup Challenge. Greatest fun we ever had.
If you keep posting Kanye West, you’re going to have to rename Traffic Jams to:
What the literal fuck?
Commas do more than just save lives...
Yes because if he was to be shot, it would be the “paranoid gun nut”.
LOL @ Beaver Buck
Even with my beaver buck at 0.70 US, I'm all drooly over this. Classic BMW looks, and if there's nothing unsaid, even a bit of dough into new wheels and new steering wheel isn't that much!
I cannot even count how many Superbowl Half Time shows I have seen, upwards of 35 and this is bar none the worst ever. Not Beyonce, not Bruno Mars, not Coldplay, it was the melding of all of them. It was lackluster, stupid and desperate.
Because American’s as a whole generally suck at driving. More idiots who cannot properly drive or maintain their 5000+lb suv are on the roads. I’ve seen an increase in the number of H2s on the road as the gas prices continue to fall.
If you text and drive, Fuck you.
Shorts, douchey sunglasses, sandals, inability to pay attention to what is in front of him, lack of regard for other drivers well being, yep I can care less what happens to this dick. Lets all hope the guy he hit gets a new car at no cost to him for dealing with this bullshit.
I was about to write Saab, and told myself 3 dead GM brands is enough. Also hummer can be added.
So the unconfirmed terrorist was sucked out his own hole, on fire, and was the only one that died? It’s kinda sick, but I find that funny. Hahah. Man that guy must’ve sucked at life
I assumed not knowing how to pay for things was a requirement to live in San Francisco.
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