
“Team Blower” eh?

Now playing

Somehow this article reminded me of this music video (warning: may be considered graphic!):

A true car-lover wouldn’t have sent cars to the scrapper for a mere $300 out of spite, he would have sold them to other car lovers for $500, in hopes that they get to live on and fuel someone else’s dreams.

A friend and I are planning a Route 66 trip in a few years time (if he ever gets his car finished); me in my‘67 Austin Healey Sprite, and he in his‘47 round-side Crosley pick-up...someday.

“Also, I swear it this showed up purely as a twitter link before I somehow managed to ruin it.”

This was hard to read. I guess my German isn’t what it used to be...

“Which vehicle is the majordomo going to put the prince in? Of course it’ll be the F-250.”

You forgot “track shoes and a fat friend”.  :)

Serious question...what’s the correct course of action when chased by a grizzly bear?  As an infrequent backpacker, bears are my second biggest concern...right after other people.

“two fingers are inserted into a little pocket; that’s to help remove determined or sticky lumps of feces from one’s ass”

Tell me more about these “10 moths of winter”. They sound like they may be part of one of Dante’s circles of hell. :)

Not to mention that you can’t back up with a flat tow...I flat towed my baja bug exactly twice before I sprung for a trailer...

Yep, me too. I saw this film in the theatre when I was a kid...

Let me know when you get one!  And be sure to check out the MG Experience forum.  A lot of helpful folks there...

You won’t be disappointed. Both fun to drive AND to wrench on, which is exactly what I was looking for.

I’ve got one of those! And I can confirm; my wife is only 5'2", and her head meets the top of the windshield frame...But definitely fun to drive...slow car fast and all that...

“Ten contact lenses...sheesh!”

I...actually understood it.