
Thanks Gordon.. I remember Geiss from back in the day. It may be old, but it still ROCKS! :) and does pretty much the same thing as Soundstream. Thanks for the link.

Anyone know of a way to do this with Windows? I feel like it would be easy to do with Winamp maybe with an input plugin.

Looks very nice. I didn't see any mention of mac images (.dmg, or whatever). I've been looking for a windows program to burn mac formatted images. If ImgBurn doesn't do it, does anyone know of one?

@ j45on: I use the VideoDownloader plugin for Firefox. I'm not sure if it's the best way, but it works. Saves as .flv files.

Whoops, sorry.. it actualy didn't work for me. For some reason, any time I download a video file from the web on my phone, it's not recognized as a video file. This might just be my crappy phone cause I've had problems with it for a while. So it may work on the 700w. Anyone else experience the same problem?

Nice! This is probably the main reason why Google's stock went up 8% today (along with their quarterly report). It works on my Treo 700w but unfortunately, the box to open file after download is greyed out. If I can figure out how to automatically play videos, that'll be nice. Video I tested was Benny Benassi -

What a great download! 10 seconds and 5 clicks later, I've got the functionality that should've been included in Windows for years. I like the fact that you can hide the systray icon (although it did make me a little sad to remove it, as you'll see).

Also, if you hit Windows-key + S, it will read off the selected text (or the whole document if there is no selection).

I have an unlimited data plan for $45 extra per month (which my company pays for), so I was using this as my primary internet connection for a little while and it worked surprisingly well. I used my phone (Treo 700w) as a bluetooth modem which made it even better (no cables!).

Most non-mac laptops have this option in the display properties (or power properties under screen saver tab?).

This is a great tip! Cause you're gonna have to type all that stuff anyway. I love time savers, thanks!

iTunes 7 is apparently incompatable with other versions of iTunes for sharing. I just tried sharing my library over Hamachi with my brother in college and he got a message saying that his version of iTunes is incompatable. Kinda sucks... so far the rest of it seems ok.

Are any of these services secure? I'd use one of these, but the files I need to transfer are often very sensitive.

In related news, you can get a free copy of Windows Vista Beta 2 here.

I'm surprised nobody's mentioned Craigslist yet.

As simple as it is, a lot of people don't know about it and I'm sure would find it helpful. For us regular lifehackers though, this is pretty basic.

Yeah, it would be better if it used Google Maps with Satelite or Hybrid view. But it's better than nothing. Mapit was great but I'm too lazy to edit it to work with the current version of Firefox.

I do toe-lifts while brushing my teeth. It provides excersise during what what would otherwise be wasted time and also ensures that I brush my teeth for the proper amount of time. I usually do 125 and it takes like 2+ minutes. I'd like to make all my excersise as routine as brushing my teeth. My next idea is to