
Anyone else still read it as “Frye” at first?

I owe Mary a debt of gratitude for singing all my pain and victory. Happy birthday to the realest one.

“Man, I ain’t reading about some rich Jack & Jill Negro Part....ooh is that Angela Bassett AND Amirah Vann IN THE SAME ROOM????”

While it is true that turtles evolved from a diapsid ancestor their skulls do not show the fenestra typical of a modern reptilian skull. For this reason they were long classified as anapsids. Jeff Bezos, to the extent his shaved cranium resembles that of a turtle, would be an anapsid-looking diapsid.

I wish the interviewer had asked her about his years of denial, gaslighting, and career harming he did to women who spoke out. That, to me, adds a whole extra dimension of awful.

Mother Pat and RiRi are going to be line items in my budget soon... my wallet can’t cope with all this goodness 😫. But I am so happy I have an easy choice to line the pockets of black women while beating my face 😍

I don’t understand. Why do we care exactly what Bezos was texting to his girlfriend? There’s nothing illegal happening, is there? He’s not a giant hypocrite talking about family values and then screwing teenagers, is he? So why do I give a shit?

So a woman who married an older man, someone who she’d been with since she was barely out of her teens, tried to maintain a long distance relationship while working in another country, ended up divorced? Shocking!

I grew up in a very religious, rural town and I was relentlessly bullied. I don’t have any friends from my childhood - let alone anyone I would invite to my hypothetical wedding. I’m not sure it’s that uncommon to distance yourself from childhood peers. I didn’t find my people until I was in my late 20s, and I move

 It seems very unusual that a woman wouldn’t have any friends from before she was in her late 20s, at her wedding.

Apparently, according to Larry Wilmore’s podcast, she and Robin Thede are friends from way back at Northwestern. She even made an appearance on The Nightly Show when Thede was head writer there. (And by the way, this is also a recommendation of both Wilmore’s podcast and Thede’s The Rundown [or YouTube clips of it],

What does that even mean?  Towards whom does one climb in Toronto?

There goes my generation’s Ruby and Ossie

“Robert mentioned to me that ‘I think she’s pregnant’...That broke my heart right there because I really believed him when he said that he wasn’t messing with Aaliyah…Once he told me that I was at a loss for words,” Smith added.

Wait, did this conversation happen after the marriage where you obtained falsified

I don’t know if you’ll agree, but the way I made the transition was by giving up the ghost that turnips were EVER going to replace a steak. I just had to admit that and focus on making vegan food that was it’s own thing, rather than an imitation of a meat-based meal. It re-set my brain because I wasn’t just getting a

I’m not even going to read the comments on this because people get so... passionate about pregnant/breastfeeding women drinking coffee and I can’t deal with it. One or two cups a day is fine. My midwife was a very sensible person and she had no problem with it.

My go to is hot water with lemon and honey. I started because I had a cold but now I’m loving it anyways.

He’s more self-deprecating than mad in general, I’m not getting any sense of anger from the write up.

Right now I’m inspired to write a fan fiction of the Great Gatsby, except it’s essentially Gossip Girl with a lot more dropped waist dresses and less “I bargained my girlfriend for a hotel.” XOXO, GG

Looking forward to watching this.