
Firstly, comparing the performance of any artist’s album that came out in 1989 to one that came out a few years ago is... specious for making any kind of point, but particularly so when you’re talking about a world-dominating album like Rhythm Nation 1814. That is a reach, and doesn’t make much of a point. That was

1)Ms. Hill shows up LATE (like hours late. HOURS) monologues excessively when she does perform with no sense of connection or empathy with the audience who had to save (and sometimes scrimp) to come see her, and will perform maybe 20 minutes of a 90 minute set (that she, again, showed up late for) before feeling ‘overw

I wore a J Crew silk-chiffon bridesmaid gown for my wedding, in a divine shade of dove gray. $350 plus about $70 for minor tailoring, and it was just so lovely. I’m sad to read in the replies to your comment that they phased it out.

I love Old Navy and Gap for kids clothes.  With their coupon codes they are pretty inexpensive, but so cute!  I love that the girl’s clothes are cute, but not all hot-pink-glitter-bomb-explosion with sayings like “sassy but sweet.”  They are just normal clothes for small people.  

Yeah, they closed that. I looked just over a year ago for my wedding and it was on the tail end of phased out.

yet they got rid of it...

Your first sentence is why your second sentence does not make sense. All women are shaped differently, regardless of size. This is why we have clothing that flatters different shapes as well as different sizes. If everything goes to plus size, there will be still be some things that don’t fit. But it is no more

JCrew wedding was actually one of the better parts of their brand, imo-- assuming you liked flowy, minimalist looks. The dresses were (relatively) affordable and of reasonable quality, and the wedding service department was amazing.

Celebrate women for having it together and being strong enough help others without labeling them as “co-dependent.”

Denise was a goddamn saint. She took the next wives KIDS when she went into her tail spin to give them a stable environment.

Denise Richards is another superstar that Charlie Sheen does not deserve. 

Jennifer Garner seems to value keeping the father of her children alive. More stories about celebrity compassion, please. Even if you have to make them up.


I’m sorry. I couldn’t make it 20 seconds into Lee’s apology without bursting out laughing. She is a horrible actress. You forgot to mention that even after her racist Tweets, which weren’t Retweets as she claimed, were discovered, she ignored it and kept posting makeup tutorials. It wasn’t until she started trending

LOL Love you.  My mom still makes fun of me for my insistence on “soft pants” as a child.  Soft pants for life, muthafuckas!

Legit clicked on that Robin Thicke link because I thought it said perm instead of sperm. Kinda disappointed he doesn’t have a perm.


Titus Burgess for Uncle Arthur

No next of kin. No one who would miss you if you were to oh let’s say disappear off the face of the earth....”