
But can surf while I ride a Segway on the board?

Looks like a first Person Just Cause 2 multiplayer. I'm in!

This is good news. Burnout was always crazy fun, and knowing that they're working on a project that lets me crash every thing that moves in everything else, even though its a long way from release, is a good thing to know.

This was ultra pre pre pre pre pre alpha footage. It's hard to get hyped about that.

Burnout: Everything (Working Title)

Only if we can crash buildings into people. Otherwise no buy.

On the scale of

No its not its nothing like that. Did you not see that opening mocking military shooters like cod (which was the first game they showed) and that hip attitude from the character in the trailer?

Actually it's more like ratchet and clank, just with a different artstyle and enemies that look from resistance. I don't have an xbox one, but if the reviews are great, it's a day one buy for me, regardless if I own the xbox one.

Insomniac Fan since Spyro the dragon.

God that thing was fun. It had recoil!

Somebody broke into the wrong god damned rec room.

pretty light weight

Not to mention that e-ink has no refresh rate like normal displays, which reduces the strain on the eyes, and in turn is the foundation for it's success.

Ah, but can they hold a candle to the coveted and absurdly powerful CPS 2500? Now THAT was a water gun!

You, sir, are a consummate artist and a scholar of the highest order.

This is the only thing (and it's similar models, the 100 & 200) that should be called a Super Soaker.

This has nothing to do with why people choose e-ink devices. I have many different devices with all kinds of displays. For reading in all conditions e-ink still rules and there is just no reason I need or want to replace it with something that bends and doesn't work as well in bright sunlight.

You could unfold your tablet 100 times per day and it would last for about 3 years. I think it already sounds practical.

Enough to fold in your back pocket... and then inevitably sit down and snap the thing in half! I think I'll stick with my Kindle for just a little while longer.