
No, no you cannot.

You can return it with origin within 24hrs (I think, it might be more)

I'm downloading Titanfall right now, and I couldn't agree more. Usually I get capped around 1-2mbps on steam, and I'm up to 7-8 mbps on Origin.

PNY GTX 770 4GB OC GDDR5 Graphics Card ($310) | Amazon

Agreed, and besides, if you're gonna make that kind of investment you might as well go with something with higher quality (like the Audio-Technica ATH-M50's)

I'm worth 5 goats, thank you very much

He looks pretty dissapointed

He looks dissapointed...

Just know I have a whole bag of Shh with your name on it

How did Nidhogg not make this list?

DK and the medic made me crack up