
A working song title by the band I play in:

Yeah there's no stolen code. Basically, Zenimax are claiming ownership over the contents of Carmack's brain, i.e. the now-infamous "know-how" statement.

I think basically they're trying to say Carmack is their property

Or it could also be: "we know the former employers of some of our team were mostly greedy leaches that justify their jobs by suing others, and we are saddened that they have so little value to their own work that they exist only to attack the work of others. So, we are disappointed for them, but not particularly

It's not a lawyer or animated, but does this work?

Zenimax Media is a holding company first and foremost. It was founded by the owner of Bethesda to be a publishing/holding company. It doesn't surprise me that it's mostly a bunch of suits out there.

Nipple nugget? Seriously?

Or it's more of a "We know Zenimax is trigger happy after that whole Scrolls/Mojang incident, but we want Carmack anyway so hopefully they just leave us alone." Then their big Facebook deal goes down, and they aren't completely shocked that Zenimax finally decides to come knocking.

and when they can tell us WHICH bit of it was stolen and prove it, I'll trust them only a bit more.

Early days are early for a reason ;) There had never been anything like it before, and the (initial) method for syncing clients and hosts was naive and full of leaks, and if I recall correctly tried to send/receive packets from EVERY computer on the network, regardless of participation in the Doom match. For large

And we're not sure what exactly was stolen, so we'll just claim 'technomological know-hows'

Okay so basically the full source code was available for anyone to see, and it just so happens that Zenimax discovers a "stolen piece" AFTER Oculus is 2 billion dollars richer. Sounds legit.

Network administrators are definitely aware of Carmack's early days of networking seeing as they had to build in measures to stop Doom games from crashing the networks.

Carmack is a coding genius and singlehandedly developed many of the technologies that have shaped the gaming industry to this day. Carmack's Reverse completely changed the field of real time graphics. Not to mention Megatexturing, the early days of network coding, programmable shaders, raycasted intersection level

Your link doesn't work :/

Ah, did you buy one of the devkits? I did, but I also know how to read. I don't understand what anybody thinks they're owed anything more than what was promised to them for contributing.

Sassy Peach is sassy.

Claims without evidence aren't proof that Luckey did what they're claiming.

he stole "know how"?

HOLD IT! Before we whip out the pitchforks, read this part carefully: