
Except it’s not. Pre-order is up for $40, or $60 for the Origins Edition with extra goodies.

Beergh, God of Flags, Lord of Penalties, is a fickle master.

Was that...was that really Rutger Hauer doing the voiceover? Starting with “I’ve seen things...” and ending with “...you wouldn’t believe.” That’s fantastic.

That Wolf was one of the guys that tried to kill Morgan in his camp last season or the one before. They had a good little chat before attacking, but Morgan took them down and let them live.

With that accuracy rate, we know it’s not Jay Cutler throwing to that bear.

Almost entirely CG stand-ins? If we’re talking the first Lord of the Rings trilogy, then, uh no. They went through some painstaking effort to make amazing props and costumes.

Fuck “art”

Great, now Raiders fans will try and carry Occam’s Razors into each game.

Huh? I didn’t see any cats in this video.

They strike me as an incredibly tragic and sad pair rather than terrifying, especially with that music.

This is going to make for an extra confusing week in Indy when Jim Irsay keeps asking his players if they’re holding.

He needs to be careful. The last time a Tiger hit that many holes that hard, his career was never the same again.

The other angle doesn’t make the thumb look quite as bad. Still. EESH!

To be fair, the reason Eli didn’t go down and keep the clock running was that he usually needs his parents’ permission to use the slide.

All it needs is a little paint job.

This is a good dog.

The Patriots employee in charge of stadium communication is nicknamed “the Jammer” but it’s just because he really likes PB&Js.

Any thoughts on the death of Kissing Suzy Kolber?

RIP Kissing Suzy Kolber