
Dude, don’t you want to fuck an alien? Imagine a smoking hot chick with four titties and a tail AND she can’t get pregnant AND she won’t marry you then divorce you and steal all your shit.

They should cut to the chase and call it the Rattler.

Don’t forget the B-52 that’s been flying for over 60 years. Only thing is the A-10 is the only aircraft currently capable of doing close air support. The plane has multiple back up systems and the pilot sits in a titanium bath tub for protection from ground fire. The cannon fires depleted uranium shells that can

The Vulcan question is interesting. In TOS they established that Vulcans have developed an overwhelming biological drive to mate every 7 years because otherwise they would never procreate, as sexual desire is seen as counterproductive just like emotions. They would probably see homosexual feelings as illogical since

I have zero interest in the sexual orientation of any characters or actors. In fact the less inter-species galavanting or lame romances the better, I actually prefer everyone is asexual like Data (except for that one time) or just uninterested like Janeway. Just give me good characters.

Nothing like obtaining a gender studies degree in order to over analyze a situation. Then proceed to “educate” others on the opinion. Which is only an opinion since none of it is actual evidence.

Your post about feminism needs more mention of feminists being feminist.

Pretty sure RNA jackhammering is EXACTLY how we got in this mess.

That or they’ll fall into the pandering trap. We’ll see.

Will it be called The Strong Independent Platonic Acquaintance of Frankenstein?

If slavery is part of a culture, should we allow it to remain?

Or have Hasselhoff show up as Fick Nury, the head of secret government organization that shall not be named. Because of *movie rights issues*....

That isn’t at all what I was insinuating. I’m not saying that this is going to reverse the status quo in general, but specific to this show it has the same problems as a show directed solely by male directors. There’s a narrow scope of perspective. Do we value diversity and equality because it’s “the right thing” or

Diversity is good. That being said this isn’t diversity either. It’s just the same problem with roles switched. Are we eventually going to have shows that are directed solely by women and other shows that are directly solely or mostly by men? Are we working toward equality or toward separate but equal?

People disagreeing with you doesn’t make them unintelligent. Stop shutting people down for not having the same opinion. Present your case, don’t run away.

I always wonder when there is a rather transparent affirmative action in play whether the people it benefits feel a little weird about it. I suppose I’d probably just be glad to have a good opportunity, but there would always be a niggling in the back of my mind that I was partially there not because I was necessarily

This type of thinking concerns me and I’m seeing it more and more on the internet. Only women can write/direct women. Only African Americans can write/direct African Americans.

and Tibetan to boot

My issue is that everyone is able to be a de facto critic. There aren’t a hell of a lot of Eberts out there, y'know?

I’m not saying the movie as his is perfect in term of representation. I just think that chewing the guy out for a first draft mistake which he caught and corrected in the final product is a bit much.