
God, she’s such a dumb character. She’s like the scribbles in a middle schooler’s notebook when they got upset with one of their Avenger’s comics. I don’t get the popularity.

And may have, when it did.

I dont know what this is, but it looks like a porn parody.

Neeson and McGregor are kind of universally heralded as one of the better parts of those movies, or am I making that up? lol

Easily handwaved away by saying that because Leia was Force-sensitive but not trained, her ‘memories’ were in fact just emotional residue she picked up of her deceased mom.

If that is the case, we will have moved beyond were we are now in terms of rights behavior and acceptance and I will take that as a victory thank you very much.

Well, this is what happens when you have two unpalatable choices, people start looking for a third option.

we still have a few months left for the universe to get this right

Two. Ark of Truth and Continuum.

There was a film?!...

Pretty fucked man.

Now people spending a daily $5 for hot bean water will have to find something else. Oh the humanity!

YES. Everything is acceptable, it is fiction you know.

I’m laughing at them... It isn’t just here, notice that moments after Gawker went down; every SJW tumblrina started strutting their feminazi feathers on every sub-board available?

You’re really fixated on the Elderly Vaginal Tearing. Three words people don’t normally put together.

People that get their ethics and morals from fantasy shows scare me more.

It's a show about violence, sex and sexual violence and you're complaining about the sexual violence. Watch another show, if you can't handle it.

Is your intention to present the argument that art which doesn’t conform to your own personal morals shouldn’t exist? Because that’s really what your argument is sounding like.

Let me take a different side here and say that I’m always a little worried about placing morality as an ultimate arbiter of artistic expression. Not because you’re being irrational—not thinking that women getting raped on television makes for good entertainment is actually a pretty unassailable stance—but because