
speaking of evil white men, could we talk about how horrificlly evil white women are? I mean they are the main group that are allowing this shit to continue in the nail salon industry. If white women would stop being such narcissistic cunts and started caring about shit beyond how their nails or hair or clothes, a lot

So help me, I love the looks of the Fullback. It’s like an Intruder and a Super Hornet had a bastard child, which was then run through a Soviet fax machine.

You’re saying this on a post in which the comments are already calling this out as misogyny in action, i.e. proof of women’s oppression, when it seems likely the victims are a mixed group. Tell me more about echo chambers and internet circle jerks.

And where does that come from? We’re raising this shit to happen. It doesn’t just happen because they’re men and white.

no, still much easier to get alcohol than guns. it’s much, much harder to get dangerous people off the streets than to obtain either.

Is fee fees a joke about men having feelings? Nice one for perpetuating the cycle

Don’t be that person. Not all of 4chan is /b/ or /r9k/ just as not all of Gawker is Jezebel or io9.

I think you’re on to something here that I didn’t get a chance to address in the article: the whole “ecosystem” play that every tech company is going for these days.

So, you’re on a first name basis with a murderer who recruited her then lover to murder her husband. That is so heartwarming!

She only made those differences after plotting and succeeding to kill her husband.

I bet the pope reclined when he flew over here.

No joke, summer is the worst season. I loathe being hot. All I ever want is to need to wear a heavy coat. Also, I think some people really are just genuinely drawn to melancholy. The darkening days are romantic to some of us.

nah bro. fall is da best. fuckin best apples ever, beautiful sunny skies and crisp air..gtfo wit dis shit.

but then he also says they’re “enjoyable and harmless”, which…seems like the opposite of every other religion. Why can’t every religion admit that even though scripture says it’s a sin, it’s not actually hurting anyone, so who cares?

That’s some high quality histrionics.

No, that’s just a dine-and-dash

Jesus, hopping on one leg in heels must be tough.

Listen, this is really easy to solve. Just get Obama to tell Putin that sending his army to back up Assad is a ‘red line’ that he shouldn’t cross ‘or else’.