
Disagreeing with feminism, and what many consider to be extreme rhetoric(which many of you consider normal) is not misinformation. It actually amazes me that some of you lack so much objectivity that one must either agree with the modern day movement or you're a hateful person. Many choose not to identify. I'm

That might be the core of your feminism, but given that every time some woman has the audacity to state that she chose to be a SAHM, or she chose sex work or to shave her whatever, the comments light up with a bunch of very pissed off feminists asking condescendingly if she thinks she lives in a vacuum, I wouldn't say

Wow. You've insulted an old woman who will never read this blog. Congratulations. Hope you feel empowered. They aren't straw women. They're some of my mother's very successful, high powered, feminist friends who were so absorbed in their ideology that they would say hurtful things about stay-at-home mothers in

Well, they self-identify as feminists so you should probably have that argument with them. That's a pretty big "No True Scotsman" argument you're making. No. I don't hate the broader society. I don't think there's a magical Patriarchy controlling the world and oppressing women though. Maybe a Flying Spaghetti

There are a lot of second wave feminists who shame stay-at-home mothers. My mother decided to stay-at-home because she couldn't stand the thought of a nanny raising her kids. She would come home from cocktail parties almost in tears because of the snide comments she'd get from feminists. Feminism as you describe it

Maybe. But Jezebel does a fine job of that all by itself.

There's a lot to that statement. I've heard the same said about vaccinations - so many parents now are choosing not to vaccinate their children because they haven't ever lived in a time when children died horrible deaths of infectious diseases.

I can't imagine why anyone would give you shit for saying poor people should be sterilized and only rich people should be allowed to have children.

That's the part that stood out to me too. WTF????!!!!

Yeah I learned all about black people from that show too.

All I can think of is the old Jack Benny skit.

her genitals were definitely not obscene .

Very possible. If her blood-alcohol was twice the legal limit at the time of her death, I wonder how drunk she would have been at the time she crashed her car and wandered away from the scene.

Why would you assume that PoC can't be bigoted?

I don't know you can be a dumb ass and the entire world will cater to you as long as you are a women. Get drunk, crash your car, have your cell phone die, DO WHATEVER YOU WANT. Just make sure to STAY OFF PEOPLE'S PROPERTY IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT!! Is there ANYTHING IN THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE THAT MIGHT BE CONSTRUED AS

I guess that's good to know. Unfortunately, white people are not the only ones that have racial prejudice against black people. Other POCs aren't automatically going to side with the victim.

I don't know Michigan law, but in most jurisdictions you're not required to "avoid confrontation" on your own property. That said, based on the facts that have been reported, I don't think this guy reasonably feared for his life and he should be convicted of at least manslaughter, possibly second degree murder,

"Ms. McBride could have thought she was breaking into her marijuana supplier's house" when she was shot on the porch, the defense attorney claimed during pre-trial.

This case has literally no similarities to the Zimmerman trial. Trayvon was on top of a person, pounding his face. Forensics and witness testimony supports that fact. Theodore Wafer was not at risk of death or serious injury. Period.

That's why COINTELPRO infiltrated the Black Panthers.