
Are you really that new here? Remember that whole Thug thing? Yeah, Callie was far ahead of that curve in being a racist bigot loooong before that when she made apologistic and excusetory remarks for white females who committed child sex abuse and trafficking crimes, saying that we should not think any less of the

YES to this. Were people this insanely sensitive before the Interwebs? Jesus, people. Life is tough. Triggers are everywhere in this cold, hard world. Deal.

Oh please. Get over yourself. I need trigger warnings for people asking for trigger warnings.

He thinks freedom of expression is important. You and Jae think other things are more important.

I find walking boring as hell

Um, typical gawker sensationalized (lying) headlines?

Honestly, the only way I ever dropped weight to change my weight class was to just seriously meter my caloric intake and go freakin' hungry for a few weeks as I adjusted. Using any exercise alone to lose weight will usually end badly.

Or swimming! Great cardio and strength benefits, ultra-low impact.

Replying to myself to add:

What's interesting about this outrage! Is it doesn't factor in that maybe some of us with large breasts and (GASP) a defined waist might even be into science!

That sounds like the Jezebel I know!

the hypocrisy is just astounding. But you know what? I'm hoping Emma radically changes the tenor of this site. They just put up a post bitching that girl Legos look too girly.

Some people just want to be outraged.

you got some brassballs jezebel posting an article decrying an older more experienced woman of color being replaced by a younger white blonde considering you just passed over the very talented dodai Stewart (black, experienced, pushing 40) for 25 year blonde white Emma charmichael.

Shapely? They look like legos to me. Maybe they are just trying to distinguish them as female. *shrugs*

actually put the new Thor in the next movie. I'd love to see the movies legitimize this as not just some story arc. Give her her own movie to follow up.

>Translation of this whole deal: HEY LADIES, we would like your hard-earned money, thanks!

It would've made my day if the little girl told the busybody that she wasn't supposed to talk to strangers.

Is she really that popular, because I've never heard of herbivore.