
... . . . so what you're telling me is that you choose to act out what is known as not only a toxic lifestyle, but a disease, a symptom, a sickness, and a prognosis. Got it! No wonder you support toxic notions that are full of it and are nothing but a civilizational hindrance.

You'd fit fine into ours. I want my ashes put into plexiglass paperweights with a holographic image of me carved into each of them so I can haunt my kids forever. Heck, they could throw me on a pile of wood in the backyard and set it on fire for all I will care.

This also makes me upset. The idea that humans are better than everything around them, and it even applies to other humans. I certainly have compassion for people that once were. However, I don't believe in a soul or anything, and my body simply decomposes after death. I don't understand the obsession with separating

There was never a need for bedside manners in this thread in the first place so you are still being completely irrelevant and pointless. A blatant hypocrisy should never be overlooked when it spews heinous and toxic lies that are baseless vitriol.

The idea that only humans practice funeralistic rituals and that it somehow means we're magically not animals is outright stupid and you're ignorant for supporting such fascistic & megalomaniacal notions; that's not callousness, that's the truth.

You're the ones having malfunctions here; the idea that only our species holds funeralistic rituals is beyond ridiculousness, and that somehow those rituals magically makes us not animals just like any other species on this planet borders on fascistic megalomania.

What a pointless and simpered ad hominem, nothing but a jealous troll.

Nothing separates us from the animals, we are animals through an through. Nothing does, not even farming. It's best to drop your stuck up notions of funeralistic rituals being some kind of sacred (but actually just sanctimonious) sign of ooh-look-at-me-I'm-such-a-special-species separation of us from the other

Well then it would be an accident, not a stupid and dangerous decision.

I read it as "Titsville."

Whats with Jez and this disgusting woman?

I've always wondered, what is in the box...

There is nothing inherently wrong with victim blaming, because in this dimensional fabric of reality that our world clings to, it is not only completely possible, but quite probable to be a contributing factor to your own suffering and demise! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

meme text

An uncle once told me when I was 13 that if a woman is walking on the inside of the sidewalk with a man between her and the road then that means she is taken and to be respectful of the man and his woman, but if she is walking the outside of the sidewalk being in between a man and the road then it's perfectly fine to

On the plus side, it saves us from reading the same inane comments over and over from people smugly praising themselves for not being grey.

Thank you. Well said. The fact that larger numbers of people are growing fatter does not magically make 'fat' into 'normal'.

Thank you. And I'm so insanely tired of taller or thinner bodies not being "normal." I know people are constantly point this out on here. SO COME ON. Is she average? Perhaps not. But normal? Yes.

Mekayla Diehl's body is normal. It isn't the average American woman's body, but it is absolutely normal. Her body is not abnormal or unusual.

I don't like to word police, but could we allow that if a word's meaning can be changed to include more than simply 'a female dog' then it can also be modified to mean 'to complain, or gripe' and not assume some kind of sexist undertone?