Of course our geopolitical interests would come first, we ARE geopolitical interests. Our nation always has been and always will be, especially when a dollar amount has to be factored into the equation in any way.
Hmm... now that you mention it, I'm curious to see a Venn diagram of those queried women of if they'd commit the crime in question or not, if they also or only maybe just (being that they won't commit it themselves) have fantasies of said crimes being committed against them.
Not a cent.
Dude is right though; if you didn't know which dude the father was or he had just died right after conception, what then?? If you decided to keep it and were a grown ass woman with your head properly on, then you'd either just take care of the child anyways or seek out the aid to do so. As much as you Negative Nancies…
How odd, because I'm absolutely sure that you failed to perceive and comprehend, so being small-minded, you tried to lash out with a flailing, hollow ad hominem. Your point had no point, it was archaic and has no roots in this time that you clearly can't understand. Try the tesoros.
She is the second coming of First Lady Bunny.
mmmmm... been awhile since I had me a snow snake!
Of course it wouldn't work as you perceive it anyway since you're using archaic belief.
I have no qualms about torrenting a copy of a copy of a copy of an artistic work after an official release, because it gives the artist/band/studio/whatever a chance to do/recoup things as planned, and things like release party functions are often artistically formulated, but what you just said basically amounts to "Wh…
Yes it is rape. Rape is a noun and a verb of "an act of plunder, violent seizure, or abuse; despoliation; violation." And not to keep rubbing salt in, but if you really did write books, then you yourself would understand that the difference between a tragedy (an extreme sorrow, especially as a consequence of a tragic…
She did think. I'm the outlier here apparently because it shouldn't be a surprise or a shocker that the word and the feeling fits, i.e. having your people and/or property raped and pillaged by an extraneous force. Rape doesn't only apply or only mean some form of sex forced against one's will, it just doesn't. Rape is…