
The point was one that you already made yourself by being a hypocritical bigot. You're being narrow-minded and prejudiced just like how repugnicans and demoncrats are. For fuck's sake, how is that odd?? There is absolutely nothing AT ALL odd about men creating & writing a strong female lead, period! If a woman should

But... but... but... Doctor Donna can come back. There are two different canonical ways for Doctor Donna to show back up the Whoniverse.

Especially not Aisha! That's like trying to slip in a coupon on top of an in-store instant rebate since she is black as well, she would take up two spots what with being a woman already, so she's automatically disqualified for double dipping.

Oh no, I didn't miss the point. Shit, if anything, you just went ahead and proved my point three times over even more so now; I rest my case. Now, go sit in your timeout corner and reflect on the hypocrisy you've spun.

Have Moffat call me, I know two different ways Doctor Donna can canonically come back into the Whoniverse.

... . . . (._. ) . . . and?? Am I just supposed to think less of those men for doing (the horror!) a KIDS SHOW instead of doing some macho wannabe Jackass program or, gawd forbid, humbly not daring to even try to grace the shoulders of R. Lee Ermey and his Mail Call series‽

I want to make a hillside hole like this before I get too old overlooking some kind of water that contains either brook or lake trout.


My Booneville/Watertown/Ogdensburg days say "PFFFFFT!! You're but just a CNYnut!"

Rod Serling's hometown, the real Twilight Zone, nods in concurrence.

There is no flaw of that nature as one already exists.

I agree with them because this was trying to go after the school district as if they were the said teacher in question; unless LAUSD had knowingly let the situation happen & continue, then I don't even understand how this got onto the court docket let alone not being outright dismissed by the judge from the get-go.

Oh. Nevermind then, you're just some... other wannabe Stig.

oooOOOooh! Progress‽ Well hell, that just sounds deeelish, count me in!!

... . . . Wrecks(z)?

Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren, a sharp and staunch advocate for the middle class.