
No, that's not bad manners. What is bad manners is thinking that your own manners, the mannerisms (a habitual gesture or way of speaking or behaving; an idiosyncrasy) you think should be the be-all-end-all of, are what really and only counts, family or not. That's just some pathetically pedantic bullshit on your part

and that ain't cool

It's amazing how many people couldn't tell that FB was a problem from the get-go, so.


That's a fallacy. A chain still breaks in half no matter if it has five weak links... or just one.

For me, I'm in the DUH-camp because, well DUH: if the GOOD GUYS are hacking our shit to fuck then so are the BAD GUYS as well! I mean, it's been common knowledge that EVERYTHING and any thing connected, banks, cars, Target stores, yadda yadda yadda, is just always absolutely hackable and that there will always be a

I think I'll just nuke this post from my mind... . . .

#HaventHeardLetItGoYet! #NeverGonnaWatchFrozen!

Not sure, but it sounds like these are different from what was previously known, so.

Methinks thou projects too much! You keep on saying we, we, we we we, but all I hear here is you... you can yell gaggle! at the geese all you want, but that just ain't the goose in the pan, now is it‽

Poor Ginger, she hates reality : \

nnnnope! Just an average day in one of your eyelash follicles!

It's not like we haven't known for years about the ones living in your eyebrows & eyelashes you know.


most modern padding for patio furniture is mold and weather proof.

That's the messed up part, before any kind of diagnosis or even before a "normal" onset of the signs of schizophrenia, it can bring it right out of you in a heartbeat.
