i applaud anonymous. the way i see it, they fill the vacuum that's been left behind when the law becomes the only avenue for justice - and just as often, fails. they're not killing anyone, they're making us more aware.
i applaud anonymous. the way i see it, they fill the vacuum that's been left behind when the law becomes the only avenue for justice - and just as often, fails. they're not killing anyone, they're making us more aware.
oh my god we fucking get it, you've said the same thing like 6 times
i just really want to smoke a long wooden pipe, sherlock style. yes, i get that it may look stragne on this super hip 21 year old. but hot damn. i want to smoke a pipe.
sort of unrelated, but why do people say 'poo' instead of 'poop?' don't know why but it drives me mad!
Hey Doug!
Jesus Christ, Jennifer Hudson is the second coming. That singing was un-fucking-believable
And suddenly I heartily dislike Spanish monarchs. My, that was fast.
21 virgin in college. sometimes it feels like a nuisance and othertimes i don't care...but I feel much the same way
if no one takes them as refugees but they don't disappear...i don't know, maybe they'll be a people without a country.
nothing came up from your source.
Israel is a biblical homeland, and people often confuse the two. Israel is well known for being a host to people from all over, often times, from pretty recently. Yeah, there would be refugee problems. But there are already refugee problems in the Mideast - I doubt if the "arabs won" the Jews would just suddenly…
Ok, we're getting diverted. Arab - or Palestinian? TDo you think the neighbors will converge? I highly doubt Israel would be so easily overtaken, and most other countries around Israel - Jordan, Syria, Egypt - are pretty busy with their own problems right now. And if on the off chance, in keeping with your highly…
so this is the lesser of two evils? Israel is not innocent in those conflicts either - it has a well documented history of antagonizing its neighbors because it knows the US will back them up.
1) maybe not officially, but if its systematically happening, then someone mandated it.
I guess my question is, how does lobbying affect international politics? I have always labored under the delusion that lobbying was for a particular issue or for a partisan group.
yes. What is the point you're trying to make - that Israeli forced birth control is an effect of lobbying? That American politics is the root of this?
yeah but how long did that take, and why was it considered acceptable in the first place?
What does that mean?
Is it though? I feel like, by aligning ourselves to Israel, we have royally fucked up many potential alliances in the area. Ever since the late 40s when Israel was created, and we picked them over Palestine and stuck through with them in the ensuing wars, I feel like the US knows its wrong but refuses to give in…