

cool! i love the study of languages - don't laugh, but i hope to create my own someday. how everything fits together fascinates the hell out of me.

this fascinates the hell out of me. i love the study of languages, specfically ones that don't have a structure similar to english. could this whole root thing be taken into account for english too? for example suffixes and prefixes that help make up words have common meanings, so....christ i can't think of any....but

yeah thats what i thought! and that's why it had to modernize and essentially make up some new words - right?

I'll ask - how? I don't know a lot about Hebrew, either, if that helps. Was it because not a lot of people spoke it prior to Israel's creation?

i definitely agree. this isn't just olivia's show, as much as i love her. and i think to expect her to be a super badass while her world is falling to pieces is a little much. how much is victory worth if you've lost the ability to believe what you're fighting for? how far do you go for revenge? i think its

yeahh dan savage!

thats too bad. i still kinda hoping for noel's breakthrough

why is it being released in itunes first?

the giant trapezoid of abu dhabi

um, the only night i ever went completely ballistic and drank everything in sight and ended up in the ER was during a full moon night. i didn't realize it until after

i'm a 21 year old virgin. yes, its embarrassing. no, its not for jesus or marriage. so this makes me feel a little better.

While I agree with you, I can just as easily see how that statement could be wildly misconstrued. Subjectivity is rampant when it comes to beliefs.

agreed, and i think you just made the most reasonable comment to come out of this article.

It is an expression, and one not specifically designed to piss off people. You know what I meant.

fair enough. I didn't watch the video because I'm in class.

this is totally bomb, but...hasn't this place been around for a couple years now?

never let me go! when i saw that movie i had no idea what i was stumbling into - seriously, i had an afternoon off and thought it was going to be a sweet story about 3 friends growing up together or something, and i cried for 2 hours afterwards. very, very well done.

well said! my mom does the same thing

i'm gonna get so much flak for this, but that woman should be shot in the kneecaps.