
Fuck lane splitters. This is awesome.

No, they take up arms and shot black and brown skinned immigrants and walk into African American churches and open fire and in schools, trains, malls, medical clinics and city streets wherever there are minorities. They must become white extremist terrorists. And the shooter yesterday was just doing exactly what the

“Bernie Bro” is a slur invented by the Clinton campaign. It unfairly equates support for Sanders’ progressive policy proposals with misogyny, ignorance and entitlement. It also enables Democrats to ignore the painful lesson of this election cycle: the public is sick of the status quo, sick of

They fucking rode him so far all throughout the primaries and only got behind HRC for the general because duh.

Least racist. Support the lesser of two evils.

Almost didn’t get baited....but... eh while I’m here

“an insinuation or allegation about someone that is likely to insult them or damage their reputation”

It also ignores the fact that every other demographic other than White men supports him at a higher rate, thereby marginalizing their voices.

Nah, it’s a slur.

“Bernie Bro” is a slur invented by Hillary Clinton’s campaign - the people responsible for Trump winning the election. Don’t perpetuate their poison. The “Bernie Bro” slur is poisonous because it implies that he’s the most popular politician in America because of sexism rather than his policy proposals.

Yeah, because this place couldn’t qualify for the title “The Echo Chamber” just as well. Only difference is, the Echo Chamber here is focused around how evil white people are.

Oh bullshit. You are now using the excuse of racism to espouse anti-feminism. Way to use the horrible marginalization of people based on race to marginalize women.

Amazingly well designed? The controllers are ridiculously small. Like, stupid small. And half the games you turn them sideways, making the four buttons on the side that much trickier to figure out which one is which.

There’s also the strange choice of making the shoulder button slide in thing for the Joycons go in both ways. A typical design for that is similar to how a USB connector only goes in one way. You don’t make it so it goes in either way and btw if you accidentally put it in wrong it gets stuck. Oh great. It feels like

WtF are you on about? It’s not the original commentors job to find evidence disproving Jontrons shitty statistics, especially when Jon doesn’t provide any. Go ask Jafari what his source and evidence was.

nobody wants street fighter to go all weeaboo

Buddy, you’re desperate for me to call you names, get mad at you, rail against you and I’m just not mad at you.

You seem to be fully capable of carrying on both sides of the conversation without me, so I’ll leave you to it.

Yeah at least back then we were banded against a common enemy. Then the assholes started attacking women and minorities for having the audacity to want to have representation in video games.

Actually, it’s about ethics in knowing the difference between “your” and “you’re.”