Because he’s a really useful engine!
Because he’s a really useful engine!
Bernie is basically america’s favorite hoody. A little worn out, totally worn in, too old to care about appearances, and an intrinsic statement on income inequality.
Bernie has always been of that age.
The cameras that aren’t there?
Except, they’re not. No one ever says “We want the speed limit through our village to be 30 mph because stoned people driving at 90mph might kill someone”. They say “We want the speed limit through our village to be 30 mph because evidence shows that a pedestrian hit at 30 mph is significantly more likely to survive…
Next tell us how all the sissy helmets and MRIs ruin football for you.
Agreed. I mean, I can drink A LOT and feel like I can drive a car just fine after doing it. They should raise the blood alcohol limit based on my cognitive abilities while drunk, because they are excellent.
Seems like a silly thing to get so butthurt over.
There’s a middle ground between being an asshole and an asshole.
“It’s good that he made one movie. With that, he should stop [making movies].”
I don’t want to de-grey any of them, but if you like this post, read the pending responses. They so valiantly struggle to articulate their rage, yet they fail so completely. It’s both horrifying and sad, and slightly funny, like a seemingly pregnant woman doing a bump.
Poop Joke
What is space battles?
And poor Bernie Sanders didn’t get invited, even though he supported gay rights decades earlier than either of these two and before this weekend was the only candidate to comment on Transgender issues.
I think most posters here — male and female — will agree: there is nothing objectively wrong with having a small penis, if you accept that fact about yourself, and don’t let it run your life.
I don’t think anyone is saying they are lying. Just that trauma ia traumatic, eye wittness acounts suck and people like a good story. To a devout Christian hearing your family member was targeted because of faith is actually probably easier to deal with than random violence.
A gun nut/possible future mass murderer calling me a terrible person is a badge of honor.
It’s both. Nice try with the reverse-psychology bullshit you’re trying to hit me with, BTW. People like you should absolutely be shamed, with your tiny, tiny penises and your even tinier brains. You don’t feel right as a human being unless you have a massive weapon in your hand, a weapon shaped like a giant penis…
Actually, the burden of proof is on the person making the claim. And it should be obvious by now that people pursuing their personal agendas in the aftermath of a mass shooting is par for the course. Odd that multiple actual Christians get gunned down in an actual church and there’s no hashtag movement, no cries of…
I like how you told me you “found two” but didn’t actually bother showing me the two. This is tedious. Goodbye.