
Not a schtick. Genuinely did not understand the article at first and got a lot of shit for commenting/asking.

Thank god, I would be very worried about my own character if you didn’t.

Who said men couldn’t have feelings? Where did I say that? The “feelings” expressed on 4chan are all about men not getting what they want from women and then whining about it, while doing things like advocating rape and abuse. Those “feelings” don’t deserve validation or respect, because those “feelings” are really

no i’m pretty sure that’s the inside of a ps3. vaginas look very different. have you ever seen one?

Still salty over losing GamerGate I see.

It’s much easier to combo, I think they added time. I played Skate 1 so much though that I could start at hill before the mega skate park and make it all the way to the bottom without breaking the combo. I wish they hadn’t taken down the video site, I had a whole bunch of saved awesome stuff.

Well you see, some people like the taste and experience of something while others do not. It’s a common variance among humans.

Which Trump? The Trump that used a be democrat and was strongly pro-choice and pro-universal healthcare, or the remodeled Trump that claims the Bible is his favorite book and is now pro-life?

you should be inspired by all dogs.

Sorry but the idea that the American for profit prison infrastructure in any ways prevents recidivism or in any way rehabilitates boys is so fucking funny it’s sad.

“A move trailer is not wrenching.”


Anyway , framerate police is not controversial , it’s essential

They were his people.

You know, there is a noticeable difference with Framerate at first, but after a little while of play it’s hardly noticeable. It feels better but 30 FPS isn’t going to ruin an experience. Same goes for 1080p. If a game is good, its good. Framerate and Resolution don’t determine quality.

There are plenty of games that ran in 30fps that were totally fine. Don’t be overdramatic.

You can't possibly be comparing gay marriage to owning human beings. False equivalent.

If you’d bothered to read the lawsuit you would understand that everything you just said is utterly false. NAF is suing for monetary damages for increased security costs, increased reputational costs, and for the impact the videos have had on the livelihood of their members. Throughout the lawsuit they detail multiple