
The GOP didn’t pick Trump.

This is absolutely fucking adorable. You aren’t fooling anyone MacKenzie, you aren’t going to fight for shit if it ever came to it. You’d be cowering in the corner covered in your own shit.

They do, however, get to decide when to walk away from a conversation. Which is exactly what they said, not the dumb shit you just spewed.

Holy shit, we’re taking the “subhuman” line and accusing OTHER people of being Nazis?

Oh, we’re talking about sore losers? Yeah, what a sore loser Trump is, claiming he only lost the popular vote because of “illegal votes”.

Mike Rowe rails on student debt and the rising cost of tuition, but he advertises for fucking UTI. He’s as much a piece of shit huckster as Trump.

Never forget - every white guy who isn’t making 100k/yr thinks he’s been cheated out of something that was entitled to him.

I guess that this is your wakeup call that you can’t expect the majority of Americans to act like adults. Remember this lesson and plan for the future accordingly.

Do you have any idea how legal weed works in Colorado or Washington? It really is as simple as walking into a weed store, picking your strain, and walking out.

Is this seriously how you think medical or even legal marijuana works? I can go into a dispensary and pick my weed, or I can call and get that shit delivered to me in 30 minutes.

Yep, it was fucking ridiculous. They went from “Fuck you Bernie Bros, we’ll win without you!!!” to “THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT BERNIE BROS!!!!” at breakneck speed.

Bernie was saying all the “right” things to the Left people, how can you be so fucking blind as to not see that? He was directly the left-wing equivalent of Trump, but you dipshits went with centrist Clinton for some bullshit reason and now we have lost.

Ah yes, here comes the 3rd party line. Anything to absolve yourself of picking a shitty candidate to represent us, right?

You get unity be realizing the reality of low-info voters and optics and, I don’t know, maybe not nominate the most polarizing politician in the United States and not expect people to be smart enough to navigate the mire of bullshit.

The GOP does not represent all conservatives, and the DNC sure as fuck doesn’t represent all liberals. The results of this election should make that crystal clear.

Absolutely nobody is saying he is. We’re saying that we had the chance to avoid this, but we decided to nominate the most hated Democrat in the United States. The DNC and Democrats in general had the hubris to nominate such a fundamentally divisive person and still expect them to win. That is what we’re saying.

Also the hubris of thinking you could nominate the most hated Democrat in the United States and still win an election.

Thanks for pushing Clinton you stupid fucks. Now we all reap the consequences of your dipshittery.

Ah, the old “Sanders could never get anything done!” line.

Fuck you for pushing the most hated Democrat in the United States and expecting people to vote for her.