
Bernie was saying all the “right” things to the Left people, how can you be so fucking blind as to not see that? He was directly the left-wing equivalent of Trump, but you dipshits went with centrist Clinton for some bullshit reason and now we have lost.

Ah yes, here comes the 3rd party line. Anything to absolve yourself of picking a shitty candidate to represent us, right?

You get unity be realizing the reality of low-info voters and optics and, I don’t know, maybe not nominate the most polarizing politician in the United States and not expect people to be smart enough to navigate the mire of bullshit.

The GOP does not represent all conservatives, and the DNC sure as fuck doesn’t represent all liberals. The results of this election should make that crystal clear.

Absolutely nobody is saying he is. We’re saying that we had the chance to avoid this, but we decided to nominate the most hated Democrat in the United States. The DNC and Democrats in general had the hubris to nominate such a fundamentally divisive person and still expect them to win. That is what we’re saying.

Also the hubris of thinking you could nominate the most hated Democrat in the United States and still win an election.

Thanks for pushing Clinton you stupid fucks. Now we all reap the consequences of your dipshittery.

Ah, the old “Sanders could never get anything done!” line.

Fuck you for pushing the most hated Democrat in the United States and expecting people to vote for her.

But wait you guys spent months saying Bernie Bros didn’t matter and that you’d win without them and how they’re all manbabies and just hate women. But now they’re the bad guys for actually doing what you told them to do?

I suggested that Sanders was a better candidate while making it clear that I voted for Clinton and the very first reply accused me of hating Clinton because she’s a woman. And they wonder why we lost.

“We’ll win without you Bernie Bros, we don’t need you!!!!”

the only credible candidate in this election

Guess what. The vast majority of libertarian voters are disaffected republicans. Without Gary Johnson, Trump would be winning by even more.

White male, voted for Clinton, and you’re right this COULD HAVE BEEN AVOIDED if we hadn’t nominated the most hated Democrat in the United States.

Yeah, fuck everyone else, it’s not YOUR fault for choosing the most hated Democrat in the United States to be our candidate.

Fuck the DNC and everyone who voted for her in the primaries for putting forward the most hated Democrat in the United States.

The very first reply I got accused me of hating Hillary because she’s a woman. I fucking voted for her last week via mail. But because I had the gall to suggest that Sanders was a better candidate, and indeed I voted for him in the primaries, I’m just a misogynistic piece of shit.

I voted for her. Are you guys REALLY still pulling this bullshit card? Thanks for reminding me why I left.

We wouldn’t need to be searching for a silver lining if we hadn’t put forward the single most scandalridden (unjustified, but that doesn’t matter to low-info people), hated Democrat in the entire United States.