
Uhhh yeah. They really do need to lighten the fuck up.

The sad thing is, we DON'T all know that ad-hominem is a fallacy. Some people think it's a legitimate tool in an argument, just as good as facts.

The only way some people can survive is to program themselves NOT to self-reflect, because the alternative is actually having to face the fact that they're shitty people.


Move to the High Desert.

I think the replies were "mean" because your own comment had a snarky tone to it. If you had omitted the last sentence, the responses would have been milder.

"Your opinion of me carries no weight."

Then I feel really fucking bad for you that you're still this naive. Not to mention the lack of critical thinking skills.

So many people.

Jesus fucking Christ, what a horrible person.

Don't waste your time, you're probably talking to some edgy 16 year old who thinks he's got the world figured out. Kotaku is fucking full of them.

No, friend, the fact of the matter is that the term "home invasion" has a definition. Sure, it was TECHNICALLY an "invasion" of their "home", but that's not at all what "home invasion" means.

"They couldn't even figure out that their last names didn't match"

How the fuck do the cops know that's really the wife? It can be literally ANY female in the fucking world, but nope, they're just supposed to take the word of some random person, with no verification whatsoever.

"There's no guarantee that storming a house with guns raised will prevent a gunman from escaping out the back door."

And if the male had a female accomplice with him?

I'm sure your children will appreciate your convictions when they're fucking orphans because their parents cared more about MUH FREEDUMS than their children.

He/she is not trolling, just naive. I'm guessing not a day over 17.

More irresponsible than letting a potential murderer slip out the back door?

Oh no, not the dreaded HANDCUFFS!