
They are really going for it?

Oh, that one. Nintendo never really gives out release dates for updates on Nintendo Direct. It's the same reason why I had only figured out the Youtube App yesterday. :P

Wait, what update?

Same here, I got excited about the anime until they went all Magica Madoka on us. The anime was already good enough on it's own but the episode after the twist just makes the whole entire anime one of those generic shounen/hero shows. Still on my watch list because made by Baccano & Durarara which means they have

Here's a tip, Do not watch the OVAs. The whole series is basically a whole extension of the ovas. The only one worth watching is the 4th one after the first 5-7 episodes of the main series.

Now playing

I think it's called what touhou girls wouldn't do you.

Best Doujin ever!

Oh goodness, the Xbox one releases a few days before the Zelda 3DS? May god help me on Black Friday.

It's probably a two season thing. A lot of series are doing that sort of thing now. (And everyone gets confused in the process *grumbles*)

The series itself is some pretty good eye candy but the studio is known for doing some over-sexualized works before (Example). The whole series is kind of funny but in a dumb way, but the entirety of the show mocks the magical girl genre by combining it with ecchi and afterwards makes fun of the ecchi. This reason

I just noticed all of the Persona stuff. :3


While all of your recommendations are good, some of the rebuttals to some of the shows that are on the above list are pretty bad. In most of your argument points, you mostly just focus on a singularity within the show that is pretty insignificant later on.

Please, don't break any more realities.

What do you mean?

You really need to watch the next few episodes of Kill La Kill. Your comment will become irrelevant by then. ;)

Actually, after a while you get used to it. By the 4th or 3rd episode, you begin awe the Senketsu or just keep paying attention to the speaking parts. It's a pretty great anime though, you should definitely watch it! (Or see Panty & Stocking and then complain here :3)

November Clearance @ Hobbyfan.com


The Neptunia game series is a magical girl fantasy story based on the video game industry. Each of the four major kingdoms is based on one of the four video game console makers: Sony, Microsoft, Nintendo, and Sega. Each kingdom world is in turn ruled by a goddess who is an anthropomorphization of each company’s