I meant FLCL :P
I meant FLCL :P
I think that Toonami is airing it in the US?
Don't forget the staff of Panty & Stocking! That over the top-ness was what they brought over to Kill La Kill. Some of the animation techniques are very similar too, I even thought, "Wait... Is this the same studio of PSWAG?"
Others think it might be tied to a hidden message you find in the train station in Lumiose City which reads "I'm going to go for help. Wait in the usual place." What is the usual place? Is the ghost girl tied to that, maybe? One thing is for sure, it sounds like someone was in trouble—perhaps life and death trouble.…
Is this thread still alive? I still need codes MwM.
Nuff Said
What about a old Circuit City turned PetCo?
For starters, this report is shot through with the usual suspects of sexy females in gaming: Lara Croft (a generation old), Bayonetta and Chun Li. Stanford University's Virtual Human Interaction Lab, which produced this study, used precisely none of them. In fact, it doesn't sound like the study's 86 participants,…
More importantly, which channel? (TFC, TFC, TFC)
Damn, I love Nichijou.
Don't forget the trainer that swam all the Hoenn region! (I forgot where it was though :P)
Nah, we got two and gave one as a gift and one for me :3. After that, I just gave it to my sister after 4-5 years of owning. Got a DSi after that and I regret that decision to upgrade for the rest of my life...
Nope, sorry it's all region locked.
Yeah, that's the only bad part, it would actually make more sense if the bottom part would be black. I don't mind the top part to be gold. :3
Ha Ha, we gave that one to our cousins. :P
Listen to the chorus while watching. 1:10
I think that either it was one of those bootleg systems that had "100 games in 1!" schtick that we either got from a mall or my cousins in East Asia. It was either action hotel (Something like that, it recently got a reboot. It was a bad reboot), Mario Bros, Burger time, some retro game that played exactly like…
It mostly depends on the fact if you have well educated your child about the line between fiction and reality. Discerning that line is very tough, especially when in the mind of a child. My parents always told me,"You know that this game is only fake right? Nothing should be ever tried in the real world". Parents…
I think it would be an appropriate/Shameless plug, for my petition to Bring P4 to PS3!
Aww, that's sad. He was a fun person.