
But Chris Rock is black, which is why he spoke of the black experience in Hollywood. Why are blacks expected to do the heavy lifting while other minority groups benefit from our activism then remain silent when it really counts?

I found this actual footage of James Baldwin responding to Lemon’s comparison:

A self-hating, check-cashing dumbass.

I have slightly less horrible student loan debt than my boyfriend but his parents are significantly more likely to pay his off for him. Guess that balances out.

Doesn’t make it not worthwhile.

Take the rebel flagged t-shirt off of the racist and all you have is a bare chested racist.

Not everyone has a big happy family and sometimes the people you meet online and spend some much time with even if its just in a vitrual world and youve never seen them face to face you consider as your family

Mr. Kitty Fantastico has put Barbara on his shit list

Oh, I would say that the damage that Dr. Bitch inflicted on your friend was far worse than what she did to me. I had a support system to catch me after my encounter, but your friend did not. I am so outraged by the abuse she inflicted upon students who were in emotional distress that I'm shaking.

But others, how can I put it... some people you can't take the ghetto out of'

OH LUPITA!!!!!!!!! That gold is stunning, mesmerizing darling!

I've said it before and I'll say it again, she has nothing to be embarrassed about, she performs like a pro in that video. She should be proud.

Ermagerrrrd, my world-view is shattered! *Faints*