
Big deal. I dribble between the legs all day.

Three days ago, the Rockets could have gotten Boogie Cousins for that haul.

blow by “Blow.” I see what you did there.

Thanks for the blow by “Blow.” Seriously that was perfect and it’s the kind of “not having your bullshit anymore” attitude that we need now. These Trumpers have been getting away with dogwhistles, foghorns and all sorts of thinly veiled and not-so veiled BS all in the name of “fairness.” Hopefully they let Blow start

Where were Nikola’s two huge brothers on the help defense?

I think you’re confused too. I think he was Algerian in the film.

The VAWA is on Trump’s budgetary chopping block. He won’t repeal it, but republicans do want to totally defund all its programming. So...I hope that she can still use it while it still exists (for now). I wouldn’t count on it being around through the end of 2017.

The largest police union in the country endorsed Donald Trump. This is on them. When they get no coooperation from communities to solve crimes they should remember this case. The officers who stayed silent and just went along and did not speak up should remember this when the community balks at their attempts to

Im convinced that a lot of of law enforcement people are sadist and they’re getting off on this shit. Just another group of people emboldened by 45.

Could she apple for a U-Visa? As I understand it, it works while the investigation is in process.

Aaaaand this is exactly why undocumented people don’t report crimes, whether they are the victim or a witness or have some other relevant information. The people who instigate these raids are idiots, making it a hundred times harder to fight real crime. Also, how fucking cruel!

Well. This surely seems like it’ll make us safer! Definitely won’t prevent vulnerable people from going to the police to report crimes, or offer to be witnesses.


I think you guys responding are confused. I’m talking about the guy who gets in a kick fight with Cap on that ship.

I don’t follow UFC, but that dude looks EXACTLY like the bad guy at the beginning of the second Captain America movie.

They used every means available, social media, cars riding around in loudspeakers, reverse 911, etc. They had a pretty good news conference explaining at 6PM CA time

Be safe!

Lake Oroville is currently at 100.1% of capacity. They just increased the release through the main spillway to 113,000 cubic feet/sec, up from 100,000 cfs. The goal is to lower the lake level to below 100% so that water stops spilling over the aux spillway and engineers can get in there and assess the damage, in

Which is exactly what I said

Well, now, hold on. Did he go to school in the south? They teach you it’s okay to touch cousins like that.