Pope Karisuma

Yeah, it feels a little odd to be upset about developing a mutual love of video games with his son.

It's OK if you push your religious beliefs on your child without a choice in the matter, choose what kind of schooling they can receive and what they shouldn't learn in school, but deny them a modern game console and you've violated some sort of UN universal human right, apparently.


I keep telling myself not to get this game until alll the DLC comes out so I can do it all in one playthrough, but they make it a really tough sell.

Am I the only one who is upset this was supposed to be a PS4 launch title, but was delayed almost a year to only encounter preventable issues?

I tried to get a refund from Sony the other day for DriveClub, despite it being a broken product, they would not issue a refund. Getting handled pretty poorly if you ask me. I hope they intend to throw some free stuff toward people who bought the game and can't play it still. No one bought this game to play against

Playstation Home is on PS4 though. It's called Destiny

Would it make you uncomfortable if I took a knee and sang "Wind Beneath My Wings" to you? Brilliant.

I'm watching a baseball game and the crowd literally just began to start that chant as I read this.

Yes, we will do that on the same day that anyone gives a shit about what you think.

You don't understand, Jezebel isn't a "reputable" publication. It's half a step above a 16 year old girl's tumblr. Hypocrisy and ignorance run wild and men are always wrong.

Definitely it's not this - I actually came to the decision over the weekend, but this afternoon figured I'd just "check out the headlines." I don't even read Jezebel, but it was cross posted on Gawker and I was compelled to make a comment. Nothing I've said before has ever gotten this much response, so it does feel

No worries - I realize it is futile to try to garner support away from a Jezebel author on her own site. And, I'm not at all offended by the post. I am just compelled to draw attention to hypocrisy when I see it.

You won the hypocrite of the day and most unprofessional "journalist" award on the same day! Congratulations.

We'll see how long I can stay away. I'm already disturbingly intrigued by one of Mark's new posts, which also links to a real-life doubled-donged dude!

Wait, no wait.... I've just got some fresh stuff..... and I'll do some with you! Yeah, let's have a party!

Sauce for the gander's dick is sauce for the goose's fanny.

Thanks for getting my point. It seems a bunch of people do, but I suspect they're clicking over from other kinja blogs. After all, who can resist a "look at these dicks!" story?

Shut the fuck up. I'm a woman and a feminist and it doesn't take a genius to figure out how quickly jezebel would have pounced on ANYONE had they made an article discussing labias that look like Arby's sandwiches and they would have SCOFFED at the implication that such descriptions weren't meant as body-shame but

You can be assured here at Jezebel they'd write the cruelest hate article they could muster about such a post regarding disney princesses. they'd also be sure to complain about whatever gawker branch had posted said article, and tell all the readers how wrong it is.
This site is trash, but I occasionally get sucked