Oh, they might have been clean when they came, but not anymore.
Oh, they might have been clean when they came, but not anymore.
As a Jets fan, I have to say that your comment is the most useful thing a Kellen has ever done in my life.
Someone did the extra credit reading.
I like it! Although Altered Beast seems more appropriate.
It took a lot of work to weave that last part into the joke.
I can see the scene where he complains about the water fountains being too low, then cut to shot of him drinking from a bidet.
+1 digital tire gauge
I haven’t seen so much to-do over wet roads since that time Dusty found out his wife had cocktails with the Nature Boy.
God, I miss Dr. Z
That’s the only gym within easy reach of 25,000 daily workers, plus however many people are visiting that day. It’s been turning over between teams just as much as any other around Arlington.
I watched this happen and my first thought was whether Burke had got the gif. I might need to Deadspin a little less.
Nah. Some of us have long names and short... urine flows.
Why does George Will get all the blowjobs? I have obnoxious opinions too.
Messi Hurt; Assaulted by Math
Time to rename it the Home Run Preakness.
“before both feet or any part of his body other than his hands touches the ground inbounds”
Iran Contra is mine. Those hearings preempted Sesame Street
We know how that would have gone at the end.