Alas, poor Nacho


I know the Brits put more stock in the FA Cup than Europa, so this isn't entirely an apples to apples comparison. But, we were just praising Tottenham for DGAF'ing their Europa chances so they could rest up and stay focused for the Prem. I don't think Arsenal has the title run in them anyway, but doesn't this loss

Burneko actually caved about the no-recipe thing a while back. They include one now, they just don’t make the link obvious. I haven’t found this one yet, but here’s an old one...

I'm not buying their apology. Looking back at the last couple of years, they released both Adam and Steve.

Should have gone with Leicester and a Thai hooker. Yours is more topical, but way creepier.

“Valencia must be devastated." - Manchester United, 1958

Fuck Turnip. Seriously, just what the fuck.

If you’re my mother-in-law, I may just have to take back some of the things I often say about you. Some of them.

And why the fuck do they need a ladder to swim up and rescue the ‘cat’ trapped in a tree.

And it should be 2-on-2 full court, and if you make three shots in a row the ball lights on fire, and monster dunks are announced with a “Boom-Shakalaka!”

Mine does too. The real downside is that I have to sit out another six weeks before I'm allowed to come on the field again.

ISIS what you did there.

I was thinking more like how Drew Brees destroyed his shoulder in San Diego jumping in for a fumble in a similar looking scenario. Of course, that was a meaningless season finale and this was the Super Bowl, but still.

I'm seriously considering changing my screen name to Tiny Treif Tauntaun

It's confusing as shit when I watch soccer and have to remind myself that it's reversed.

When asked about suspended Sash, David Carridine said...

Great, now I have PTSD of trying to put those goddamn roofs back on the buildings after the cardboard started to break down.

First Maty Mauk, now this guy. The War on Drugs is getting some wins today.

That's redundant

I 100% agree with your overall point, but I think Rex and Rob played football in college.