Alas, poor Nacho

Your boys let us all down yesterday, Brownie. No one likes to see shlub fan on shlub fan crime, but if I have to break out the Drive and the Fumble to make you cry, I will.

That's J.Z.? I mean, I know I haven't been keeping up with current music, but he really let himself go since The Blueprint.

Nah, they use Grade F meat, mainly circus animals and filler.

Lady: I wonder if his dick is as red as his face? How hard could it be go for drinks and then ditch his accountant?

Apparently, some guys will sacrifice their dignity, self respect, and natural throwing motion to get a shot at that hole.

It was either that or go with Lee Harvey Oswald on the Snipe, Snipe comment.

Shut up, Jameis.

Do you see the part where BH4T made a joke, and you didn't? Hell, you didn't try. Even a bad joke would have been fine, and lord knows I make plenty of those.
Shoot, all you had to do was end yours "- Sonny Bono"

I'll give you 2/3 for that string of comments, but catsup can only go on a fried egg sandwich.

I agree with every damn thing you just said about eggs, but if you ever, and I mean EVAR, post another link that does not feature graphic ursine masturbation, I will cook scrambled eggs under the fucking broiler until they are hockey pucks.

I knew there was a reason Jews are Mets fans.

Are you sure Will, age 6 isn't really Emmitt, age 44? Seereslee, man, that's messed up.

Dat boy gots some tig 'ol bitties!!

Dude, that's really sic

Two where she humps, one where she dumps

"I wouldn't call it being amped up," Harbaugh said. "I don't know how to explain it; it's just something you see, like I guess a birdwatcher knows the jizz of a bird just by watching it fly. Feel like sometimes I've got an eye for a competitive heart."

But you forget, sirrah, that in Dallas they have the joy of basking in Jerrah's Jizz, which is 1000 times manlier than any other spooge north of the Rio Grande. That manly man-jelly alone is enough to put Dallas well ahead of any left coast liberal enclave, even one as enpasted in five-fingered knuckle children as San

I was being a little of both, but where was PTSD mentioned in any of the first few comments? All of these commenters just talk about calling and texting their SO 50 times, even when they have no real reason to believe something was wrong. Does that sound like a healthy reaction?

Maybe Jezebel could do a post on overly needy women.