
Not exactly. Racism was a huge part of early eugenist movements in North America and of North American political life more generally. Policies were put into place to curb immigration from people who weren't white + anglo-saxon, to make life harder for people of colour (with hopes of limiting how many children they

Exactly. In other news, people with wealthy parents aren't expected to refuse their salaries once they start working.

They must be really hard-up for blood in my area because I have one of the least transfusable blood-types out there (AB+) and still get frequent personalized calls from the local Canadian Blood Services branch.

Same here. It also doesn't offer complaint choices (where does the bra hurt you?) that include my most common issue (bra poking armpit). Not so useful.

Bananas are also an amazing hangover prophylactic.

I grew up in Canada in the late 1980s, and the gory versions were all over the place - cartoons, books, television, etc. Most kids, even the ones who really liked Disney, were aware that the Disney versions were different from the darker "real" ones.

I'm surprised that these are glossed over. I grew up in Canada in the late 1980s and these details were incorporated in most of the versions I was familiar with, either from story-telling, books, or television. I still have nightmares about one popular tv show's depiction of Bluebeard and his bath-full of dismembered

From what I remember of the version I grew up with, the step-mother suggested that, but the father refused because he had qualms about killing them. In the forest, they had a passing chance of surviving (or at least, the father could lie to himself that they probably made it out alive).

How is "I sucked at my first job but I'm grateful for the experience" biting the hand?

I am also mesmerized, but torn. She's gorgeous! She looks so happy! He's gorgeous! He's poking her face while looking simultaneously bored and perplexed!

Thanks for an amazing comment.

That's interesting and plausible. It definitely fits with my experience. I live in a city that was once industrial (lots of factory and engineering work to be had) but where the main industries have crashed completely and been (partially) replaced by creative work. There are lots of older, retired men and women, but

I'm willing to bet that soon enough, ignorant southern congressmen will be talking about how 'All of the evil "Illegals" growing their food are bringing Chagas into the US. And possibly contaminating upstanding citizens with their evil third-world brown-person disease. Oh no!"

They have so, so, so many mosquitoes. So many. All the stingy/bitty insects come out in a mad rush during the summer. The further North you move, in Canada, the worse the insects get.

I can think of two main reasons

It's been around for thousands, and is one of the better documented paleopathologies of the Americas. It's very good that people are paying attention to a serious endemic disease, but it isn't as if the disease hadn't been endemic for a long time.

Well, at least I have something to look forward to then :)!

Victoria's Secret designers seem to think that, if the lack of unpadded A or AA bras is anything to go by. (So annoying! Even in models where the higher cup-sizes aren't padded, they assume that you can't just want support).


I'm 29 but sadly, that song sounds like an apt description of my life (minus the alcohol tolerance).