
They had matching socks all ready, but Andy Reid got cold and asked for his coat back.

That's good.

I think I know who's playing the protagonist.

Pubeless Pugelism

The Struggling Near The Buggering

The Tilt With No Guilt

Frontin' After the Humpin'

The Feud In the Nude

They are serious about people not taking pictures of that shower room.

It'll be especially tough for Temple, where most students aren't used to being above C-level.

No pre-nup? Sob city.

They're so much in love, she let him get to third down with her after the BC Lions won the Grey Cup.

I was under the impression that brown Glover problems were limited to hockey.


GaryOaklandAthletics? Is that you?

They should've have seen it coming when Nguyen picked his Rogue Squadron nickname to be "Wedgie Antilles"

What, you give a couple handjobs to old guys with deep pockets and now it's called "the helping profession"?

Sounds like he really took his wife's advice to always remember to play with "Two Gloves, One Cup" to heart.

