
If her murderer had been white, they’d be braying about her being alone outside/what she was wearing/her sexual history. Guaranteed.

Ive been following her case off-and-on for the past month. As soon as I saw the mugshot of who they’d arrested, I sighed and muttered, “Here we go.” Railing against illegal immigrants is easy. Dealing with toxic masculinity is hard. 

Mollie tweeted about the Doug Jones election saying she “hated” white people for not turning out for Jones enough over the pedo Roy Moore.  The deplorables took her statement of frustration to mean she literally hated all white people including herself, and are now replying to that tweet with charming things like “you

The cousin who was telling them to fuck off with their political grandstanding supposedly is receiving death threats already :-/

I think that’s what’s most sickening about this. The people shouting about this case patently don’t give a fuck about this poor young woman. She’s a prop to them, something they can trot out whenever they need to demonize illegal immigrants and then put away. They don’t care about her getting justice, they don’t care

How come no one in the White House or FOX is clutching the Talbots pearls over the Watts’s deaths and pointing to a larger problem with white men in this country?

The worst part of this aftermath is that eventually the Tibbetts family will be vilified by the racist right for not playing into their game. I’ve no doubt that the family will be made to suffer twice over.

But if he takes a pardon, that’s a de facto admission of guilt, and it would also prevent him from pleading the Fifth in his NEXT trial. Oopsiedaisy!


Ask me after the sentencing.

Michael Cohen entered into a plea deal today too. Could the moral arc of the universe finally be bending toward justice? 

According to the president’s lawyer, the term is “funnel”. They don’t laundry money, they “funnel” money, which is perfectly legal, truth not being truth, or being multiple truths, or whatever truth one feels like believing today. i just don’t want him to bug his eyes out at you...

Walking wouldn’t destroy the environment enough for him; he’d need to drive over in a smokestack that runs on a combo of endangered species, coal and crude oil, or it would be a waste of his time.

Trump thinks fancy eating is steak and shrimp. He also has been known to eat his steak with ketchup. He’s the epitome of a stupid person trying to be fancy but always coming off as clumsy and repulsive. 

“The Trump National Hudson Valley? Why, she died on the way to prom night 50 years ago…”

There’s something faintly unsettling about this article. The aimless circuitous directory is Twilight Zone-ish, and I kept expecting Walker to pay a visit to the club only to learn that it closed down in 1972.

This is what a stupid person thinks fancy food looks like

It’s not fair to expect a front for money laundering to actually employ people; that would seriously impact revenues.

He used it to call the fucking White House?! Does he know that the White House is a few blocks from the EPA? Just walk, you lazy shit. 

“It would be expensive to tear it apart. I don’t see any sense in tearing it apart.”