This idea that these rich people are just philanthropic volunteers has got to go.
This idea that these rich people are just philanthropic volunteers has got to go.
No, he would sell it to them.
Hmm, the idea of rich old white guys with no experience and no accountability secretly running the government seems unlikely to me.
Fetuses and soldiers are viewed in a similar way by the republicans / right wing: When a fetus is in the mothers tummy they are the most important thing in the world. Once that baby is born, the right wing doesn’t care if they die in a gutter. When a soldier is at war they are the most important thing in the world.…
Her only other accomplishments are the times she drove drunk and didn’t get caught.
This. I don’t have kids and have many friends who do, and usually end up going to their place because it’s easier. But when we do plan to meet somewhere else, and we’ve established no kids, don’t be that asshole and bring your kids. I’d rather cancel, re-schedule, etc.
Intoxicated Irene peaked at 22 and still can’t let it go.
Beat me to it. Girl, have some better accomplishments than what you did in HS and college.
I mean... seriously, ten years later and these are still the highlights? I’m not one to LOL, but I laughed my ass off at that one.
perfect grades her entire life, she was a cheerleader, she was a sorority girl, she graduated from a “high accredited university,” she was in the National Honors Society
“Thoroughbred”? Gonna need to see that 23andme, I think. Bet it’s full of surprises.
I had a friend who would bring her kid with her everywhere. I would make plans to meet only her at a local bar, go do whatever(even kid-friendly things), and she would show up with her kid(a real brat that throws tantrums constantly), despite her husband being at home and doing nothing. I do not have kids and I really…
Brought their girlfriends to a bachelor party? Wow.
Nah, even just having another person around a lot is crowding and irritating. That’s just one more body in the kitchen, in the dining room, in the living room.
I’m pretty sure it was the patches not the actual gaming that got us.
I started the process of having these conversations after we basically ended up with “guests” and SOs that stayed with us or nearly 3 months straight. When there are no plates or common cookware available, because it’s all been left in the sink dirty (next to an empty dishwasher), then they snark at you for hairy legs…
AMEN to all this. I’ve had relatively painless roommate experiences, and it’s still vital to have these conversations. Even if it’s not major stuff like theft, the minor stuff still matters. When I lived with roommates, it was pretty common for me to walk around the house in a sports bra and shorts after a workout (or…
A variation of this goes for babies and kids. If you can’t get a sitter for them, that’s fine, just let me know in advance. But it is really difficult being the non-parent friend and try to maintain that friendship, when I expect to have a conversation with someone who is distracted the whole time, or we need to pick…
Don’t bring your girlfriends to a bachelor party either like my two brothers did to mine. It was barely a bachelor party anyway, just some bar hopping and Top Golf after the rehearsal dinner.