
The long answer would be to say unless your family history includes being forcibly brought to the U.S., being legally considered subhuman slave labor for almost half a millennium, and then being subjected to a hundred years of lynching, theft, murder, rape, fraud, deception, attempted genocide, and blatantly unfair

Maybe you could start by teaching yourself how to think..

You need to find a new mission, brother. 

Teaching people (especially blacks) how to think, is one of my primary missions in life.

15% isnt a percentage for winners.

9. Just smart enough to know they’re not smart and angry about it.

*fart noises* for defining women based on their reproductive status. 

It is also disrespectful to hoebags.

These lying hypocrite fucks. Hillary Clinton was a mother, wife and First Lady and she is worse than Satan to them.

Our primary and local election are today, I’m in Tennessee so red AF. I canvassed with the DSA for a county commissioner race earlier this summer and the group canvassed a ton over the last few weeks. We just got the early voting numbers and turn out was up 30% in our district compared to less than 5% for the county

Huckleberry Church Bitch

We must, indeed, all hang together, or assuredly we shall all hang separately.

I got you. I don’t really have any feelings on Melania, TBH. But you know if the person is using ‘wife’ or ‘mother’ as the first and second identity on her, they use it on all women. And if they’re neither of those things, then they are someone’s ‘daughter’. Nope, fuck you and your insistence that a woman be something

Walking out wouldn’t make anything better.  Sanders would be super happy to stop answering annoying questions.  Things only get worse if the press stops doing their job.  They have to stay.  We need them to stay.

I am disqusted that someone would call Melania a “hoebag.” The applicable term is “gold digger.”

White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders refuses to comment on whether the White House views the press as “the enemy of the people.”


RIGHT? I am so tired of this idea that we are defined by the titles of “wife/mother/job” as if that is what makes us worthy of respect*.

Nearly half of Customs and Border Protection agents failed their entrance exam, an audit revealed.

Democratic leaders are accusing Trump of obstructing justice for calling on Attorney General Jeff Sessions to end the Russia investigation.