
Drunk racists with guns.”

“...nabbing him at his parents’ home where he lives in the basement.”

Nah, Ted Kaczynski actually DID get a “real” job (he was a professor) before he decided to bail and take up residence in a shack in the mountains.

First off, and while math was never my strongest suit, I count two engineering degrees, a law degree and a masters in philosophy (for which I’m assuming she was pursuing her PhD.) Twenty years of schooling and she never took a class in self-awareness. And “applying game theory and cognitive science to the

She lost her anonymity. 

Hey now things are tough for Scared White Women*tm

Shit, I thought she just looked old.

Of all the things I can’t imagine, being 43 years old and still living in a dorm way is way higher on the list than doing stupid shit and getting called out for it.

Comments like these are why I need to stop reading The Root at work “That’s not just white, it’s peak white. It’s Tucker Carlson-drinking-milk-while-masturbating-to-a-Roseanne-Barr-sex-tape white.”  LOL.  

She and Stephen Miller are proof that being evil ages a person

I understand that Erikson placed third in the most recent Larry Fine lookalike contest.

But it happens in the movies all the time so it must be real! Of course a 20-something woman who doesn't want to do homework is into an older guy!

Ted’s used to disappointment:

I don’t think I buy that that’s her age either

Yeah, that is the kinda guy who would sell out his country and do someone else’s homework in order to go from incel to swimming in Russian redhead pootang. Hope that was the last lay he gets for the rest of his life (or at least the last lay he enjoys).

This same guy probably thinks his favorite stripper is also really and truly into him. But she really is though!!!!

Damn, that’s a hard 29.

Of course a woman half my age finds me attractive and wants to sleep with me! 

That is funny. Here’s Mr Erickson, for whom I am able to feel just a smidgen of sympathy (especially as all the reporting is coming out about how repulsive she actually found him):

The only good thing I can say about Phyllis Schlaffly: she’s dead. Sadly, Anita “I hate feminists and gays” Bryant is still with us. Those women, and others of their ilk, worked hard to spawn the next two generations of mouth-breathing Stepford Wives.