If anything, that quote seems to reinforce the impression that he considers the Caucasian characters to be more than their skin color but considers skin color to be the defining characteristic of the non-Caucasian characters.
If anything, that quote seems to reinforce the impression that he considers the Caucasian characters to be more than their skin color but considers skin color to be the defining characteristic of the non-Caucasian characters.
Old man yells at cloud?
It’s an account with only a handful of posts, most on here which at one point uses the phrase “white devils”.
Half-Indian, half-white person here. I pass for white, and there have been multiple occasions in my life that I’ve heard white people around me make jokes about Indian people by doing the “thank you, come again!” Apu voice.
I’m southeast Asian. It’s offensive and has ALWAYS been offensive.
From one South Asian to another, your experience and opinions do not represent all of us. I’m quite happy if it is white privilege that has people questioning how they represent and treat us.
“It’s a time in our culture where people love to pretend they’re offended.”
Mr Groening, and others of your ilk, I’d like to tell you a story.
For a while, it was, believe it or not, kids were stealing quarters out of their mothers’ purses in order to go to the video arcade, and that was going to bring down civilization.
This is a country where people see dead kids and go “ehh, but I like guns”.
Groneing has claimed that the colour yellow was to “make it stand out”.
“It’s taking that pink away, and making it yellow. And then taking yellow away from whatever racist connotation that that has had. And that was intentional.”
I just don’t understand how anyone can hear Hari’s super clear, very thoughtfully-explained arguments about Apu (which basically boil down to the fact that it’s hurtful to see a caricature of a group underrepresented in media used for cheap jokes) and then just dismiss them with, “ehh, but I like Apu”. At this point…
He like to live in the past because the future scares him. All he sees is a world of orange suits, no self-tanner, no money to cling too, and an asterisk next to his presidency larger than Nixon’s.
I don’t even think it’s appropriate to use the word infiltrated. This gives the connotation that she snuck in, undetected. I think the NRA knew full well that this woman was Russian and had relationships with other Russian’s in high places, and they welcomed her with open arms. They knew this and gladly accepted…
As I said today and many times before, “I have GREAT confidence in MY intelligence people.” However, I also recognize that in order to build a brighter future, we cannot exclusively focus on the past”
Imagine for a moment if a Russian agent who had been working with various gun control organizations were to be arrested. The gun humpers and everyone else on the right would be losing their goddamn minds right now.
Trump believes that he, as the president, is the supreme leader of the United States and that every branch of the government belongs to him. You see it in his behavior, like how when the anthem is being sung at a public event he’s at, he doesn’t sing, he stands there almost at attention, thinking it’s all for him; or…