I’m sorry, what? Interest in your partner’s pleasure is a preference? No, it’s a prerequisite to having good sex. Otherwise what you’re looking for is a god damned sex doll.
I’m sorry, what? Interest in your partner’s pleasure is a preference? No, it’s a prerequisite to having good sex. Otherwise what you’re looking for is a god damned sex doll.
It's always diarrhea tea for a budding eating disorder.
Similar to the difference between athletes and someone who just plays basketball with his friends
Photos taken by boyfriend’s dad. On vacation.
Smothering by manatee cuddles is my ideal death
If they have enough followers they make money from brands by promoting products on their social media feeds.
Right. I doubt the shark thought “hmm this is just a gram model hungry for likes, must not bite and ruin the shot.” It was likely curious and/or thought it was something it could eat and took a lil nib. Wildlife is not here for our amusement people! (Though I did find this story particularly amusing heh).
While nurse sharks are docile for the most part, they’re still sharks. The only shark I’d be comfortable swimming near would be a whale shark. And even then, I’m not getting close.
I was in Hot Topic last week (shoosh, they have a lot of geeky stuff) and a little girl around eight-years-old announced, “When I grow up, I wanna be a YouTuber!”
I think the difference is if you make money by having your pictures on instagram, then it’s “model”. Similar to the difference between athletes and someone who just plays basketball with his friends.
Fun Fact: sharks, like dogs, usually use their mouths to grab things. So they’ll often bite something just to taste it and see what it is, and don’t intend anything aggressive or hostile with it. #cuddletimewithsharks
If I had a lot of free time on my hands, I would create an instagram dedicated to all the stupid injuries people sustain when trying to get instagram likes
That’s not a sexual preference, that’s called being an asshole. If you aren’t “interested” in your partner’s pleasure, then you shouldn’t be having sex with them.
Honestly some of the best sex I’ve ever had was with a paraplegic guy who lost his ability to get an erection after an accident, so...yeah. So many men are incapable of understanding that the entirety of women’s sexual experiences don’t revolve around their dicks.
As a bisexual woman I a) agree, and b) think socialized gender roles have a lot to do with this. Cis men are often so focused on being “the man” in bed and pounding away like a jackhammer that they forget to loosen up and have fun. Their masculinity is tied up in their sexual performance, so many of them are too focuse…
Back on topic though: I think a good exercise for men would be to have sex without their penis. Hopefully this would help them think about sex in a new way that would be much more focused on their partner’s pleasure.
“Sorry, fellas: Ladies are much more likely to orgasm when they have sex with other WOMEN, according to new research.”
This happened to me kinda accidentally. I suffered an incident during a basketball game (whatever you’re envisioning has to be less ignominious than what happened, so... thanks!) and was bereft of what I thought was a crucial part of magic-makin’.
OH! This reminded me of a stat I heard the other day. Something about the most miserable women ranked by country with the US being ranked 2 and Australia being ranked 1. I need to go find it....