
Next time, the Black Panthers — whose first public action was to show up on the Statehouse steps in Sacramento brandishing arms — should show up in force to surround these protesters to show their solidarity in support of firearm ownership. I’m sure these #2A people would really appreciate the boost in numbers, being


Hopefully this is the sign--that is, these snowflakes don’t want to do any “work.” They WON! That means everything’s supposed to go their way forever! Dump and the GOP’s constant nursing of their imaginary boo-boos will, please God, weaken their resolve to actually do anything, like vote. 

This is where your delusions of MAGA get you, morons.

Actually , this is pretty normal when discussing both the Senate and House party leaders, especially by congressional staff. It sounds odd but both sides do it and have for a while.

At least we know now the stages in which the republican sacks of shit have gone far off the deep end in what they are doing with that leader line.

“If the Leader comments on being called a fascist and a supporter of ICE by a small handful of extremist protesters then I will let you know,”

Good, never forget, never surrender to these fascists while citizens and children are in concentration camps, I’m sorry, “detention centers”.


what this really shows -

is that they are a *disproportionate minority* who gets their way
*only* due to soul-less fuckhole lobbyists & an out of control right wing media empire at it’s (Glen)Beck and call propping this shit up.

Well that can’t be it. It has to be that a group of people who are the racial majority, control all three branches of government, are treated favorably by the police and courts, and possess roughly 75% of all firearms in this country are just too vulnerable to show up.

she said through the tears.”

Oh wow, there is just so much to unpack here.


Through her tears.

“‘I think a lot of conservatives are just afraid to show up for public events,’ she said through tears.”

Does that shithead’s sign read ‘black rifles matter’?

“‘I think a lot of conservatives are just afraid to show up for public events,’ she said through tears.”