
So I don't know what the answer is. Heavier fines? More oversight?

I'm aware of those shitbags but personally, I've seen more guys drooling over her than dissing her.

The fashion industry never was about marketing sexiness. It's much more about marketing insecurity and self-hatred.

Curves are in! As long as your stomach is flat as a board that is.

Um... I'm wondering if the sarcasm didn't come across. Cliff notes version: it's totally ludicrous that this is breaking news. This model fits every conventional standard of beauty except extreme thinness. in real life, she probably stops traffic. And I am guesstimating that she wears a combo of size 6 to 10,

you are better than all the pornstars mark shrayber

Piss off? Why? Is the truth too much for you to handle? Yes, this is somewhat of a big deal that they're showing a woman who is a couple more pounds heavier than your average model and I'm really happy for Ashley Graham but get back to me when there's a plus sized version of Lupita Nyong'o. Now that would be

How about... we have a commercial where the size 14 woman casually walks out to her neighborhood pool, followed by her size 2, size 8, and size 18 friends, all wearing various swimwear of their choice, in front of a group of dudes.

I want to applaud Sports illustrated for having the courage to feature a young white woman with symmetrical features, the hip to waist ratio of the Venus de Milo, and pert breasts. Most humans look at this model and have to cover their eyes in horror. Only the Sports Illustrated editors could see past conventions of

you are the voice of a generation and jezebel's poet laureate in residence

lol let me die

you can have it if u want im not using it

Listen, I'm not here to ruin anyone's good time...

okay people. If you are coming to Canada to let a guy named Cobra stick inky needles into your eyeballs at a tattoo convention you kind of deserve to go blind. I say that as a very tattooed Canadian.

not if you are a spider

My general rule for life: Don't mess with your eyeballs. You only get the one pair.

How about making Bitch Pudding a real character? Seriously, I'd totally watch that.

Oh, you were talking about the doll. I was about to say, if you really wanted to spice up strawberry shortcake, you soak the shortcake in spiced rum, and add a nice dollop of whipped cream.

Dress her up like Bettie Page and call her "Strawberry Cheesecake"?

I have to try to not be an ingrown hair on the bikini line of life