I fully expect it to be Kris in a Bruce mask, as she cannot tolerate his star glimmering shinier than hers.
I fully expect it to be Kris in a Bruce mask, as she cannot tolerate his star glimmering shinier than hers.
I actually agree with her statement that people get themselves drunk, BUT I think about it more in the context of men who "get drunk and beat their wives" when really I think they get drunk SO THAT THEY CAN beat their wives. People often drink to excuse their behavior. I have a "friend" who gets drunk and then spews…
"How did it get to this point where entertainers got fed up to the point where they felt we need to enact a law or do some legislation around this?"
I think that says a hell of a lot more about the quality of the male candidate than the female candidate.
The mantra "it's her turn" has broad appeal among Democrats.
Mr. Baker, as a man, I fail to see the problem with having multiple highly-qualified women candidates. If a strong woman scares a man who is considering a run for office from pursuing it, I think that says a hell of a lot more about the quality of the male candidate than the female candidate.
Any man who would be *that* intimidated by challenging women in his party is by definition not a 'good candidate.'
But doncha know how embarrassing it is to fight a girl and lose?
For fuck's sake. Really? The only reason any of these guys might not want to put themselves through a presidential campaign is not wanting to be seen going toe to toe with a lady person?
Does USA Today have editors, or is it just whoever wanders in?
I can do my nail more than 8 hours before I go to bed yet when I wake up I have smudges and crease marks in them. HOW?!?!
Thank you! The ring is by Katie Diamond and it's supposed to be a stacking ring, but what does she think I am, a millionaire?
Make sure to smash your middle finger into your dress right before it dries.